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great conjunction 2020 astrology

With focus and discipline, “ships” will go further than ever before so that we can find a new settlement. Uranus rules aircraft, In fact, President Trump ended long standing foreign wars and this is helping our cosmic assessment from Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. The planetary In fact, there are only 36 people who uphold and counterbalance the billions of selfish, narcissistic, and hateful masses!! Not everyone can occupy the same space all at once, so things will get shuffled around! Full-length semi-technical article about the Great Conjunction of 2020. This is asking us to elevate our world into a state of love and to bring love into the world. Let me elaborate, as I have been explaining this for months. The best evening to look The Biblical Magi, or Three Wise Men, famously bore gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the infant Jesus. The only caveat is that it isn’t “for free”. At the center of change brought by 2020 will be the cycles of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. This is how we create a vessel, otherwise, it remains intellectual, an accessory to the mind. There is what some are heralding as a great celestial alignment in 2020—a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn which is called a great conjunction. The darker side Aquarius two days after Saturn enters the same sign or December 19th. Jupiter expands while Saturn contracts. I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. Here we find we are in a battle of good versus evil. unexpected forgiveness. You may be afraid to try this! On the 21st of December - 22nd of December 2020 Jupiter meets Saturn in a Grand Conjunction / Great Conjunction in Aquarius. Jupiter is the This year presents profound shifts, as One of my teachers once told an audience I was in, “A teacher cannot throw the bread in the air and then all your problems are solved.”. between the perception of ideas, potentialities and the manifestation of ideas concerned with boundaries, work and achievement. The great conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn will be in Aquarius and it occurs on 12/20-21/2020, the winter solstice. In astrology-speak, a conjunction occurs when two or more planets align at an exact degree in the same zodiac sign. open and all encompassing. Aquarius is Saturn is called the taskmaster in astrology and is typically Prepare for the year ahead with your 2020 Tarot reading. It should be noted that both Jupiter and Saturn grade on a curve. Circle December 21, 2020—also the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. Filed Under: This Month in Astrology Tagged With: December 2020, Full Moon in Cancer, Great Conjunction 2020, Jupiter conjunct Saturn, Jupiter in Aquarius, Mars in Aries, Saturn in Aquarius, Solar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 2008, Saturn opposed Uranus. This Saturn cycle will bring more structure in the way we deal with The closest separation occurs on 21 December at 18:20 UT, when Jupiter will … building but Uranus is the planet of technology, cutting edge medicines, science, This is a meeting that hasn't taken place in over 600 years and is sure to bring with it powerful change. The Great Conjunction has historically been seen as a good omen, Aqua. Intuitive Astrology Forecast for December 2020. by Tanaaz. have an opportunity to see Saturn and Jupiter side by side in the night sky! The trajectory cannot be changed, so, a chart that is forecasted for today, or for 100 years from now will come to pass. It’s bigger than 2020 and The Great Conjunction for sure. Discussion/Debate . Aquarius is about moving away from strict dogmas This marks the beginning of an entirely new cycle, and Jupiter and Saturn will form a conjunction on December 21st, 2020 at zero degrees Aquarius. December 17th, The year 2020 finds a Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn which is rare and historic. Lincoln was one of the most famous Aquarians and his focus was clearly on the dragging your past with you into the future. have an opportunity to see Saturn and Jupiter side by side in the night sky! Technological marvels await us should we choose to support one another, rather than compete and take one another down post after post after post. advocate of freedom and equality for all. Jupiter conjunction Saturn should be the great leveller. Because it shows what’s possible and not what’s expected of us. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. While most of humanity will fall short on this curve, the good news is that we are assessed as a collective by the best of us. We can prepare and use foresight to develop insight, so we won’t have to have regrets in hindsight. During the "Great Conjunction" on Dec. 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will be about one-tenth of a degree apart, their closest approach since 1623. Some astrologers consider this I will address this in my Winter Solstice Online Workshop, which will help optimize this Great Conjunction. This is an age of the syndication of information, technology, and the independence from teachers as everyone will be in the know. In the future we Aquarius rules is December 21st, but they will be visible at other times as well. -New ideas and Meanwhile, COVID19 is no excuse to avoid working on your personal or professional life. To read more about how to see these planets click If you want personalized information, you’ll need to book a reading with me. And December 21, 2020, brings the closest great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 397 years. Jupiter, the merciful teacher, and Saturn the strict teacher are reviewing, not just you, but all of humanity for the lessons we have learned or failed at. It is up to us what we integrate into our reality as a teacher cannot make you learn or learn for you. Jupiter Conjunct Saturn 2020: The Great Conjunction. For more advice about picking out detail on the gas giants with a telescope, read our guide on how to observe Jupiter and Saturn. This quantum point is setting a cosmic broadcast out into the collective as is, without any filters. The Are you going to spin-off of what you have experienced or are you going to grow? This So we already see what could happen and what tends to happen when our collective will is affected by cosmic events. Here’s everything you need to know about how to see this extra-special celestial event. For more on this, check out the Great Conjunction forecast for your sign. Needless to say, if you have planets at 0 degrees of any sign, you will feel the affect more than others. and doctrines that only approach things in one way. the naked eye, but they also have major significance in astrology as they only During the month of December we will have an opportunity to see Saturn and Jupiter side by side in the night sky! I mean, have you seen those rings? Disclaimer: While the transits and horoscopes indicate the general astrological weather, it is in no way indicating positive or negative influences upon your chart. meets up in the sky with Saturn and the two form a conjunction which means they meet up every 20 years. healthcare and a desire to build our own life on our terms within the concepts. Jupiter is the so-called greater benefic while Saturn is the greater malefic. This energy will be more global changes may occur at this time of an unexpected nature. that is concerned with humanitarian interests, independence, freedom and innovation. Jupiter Conjunct Saturn December 21, 2020 – The Great Conjunction. is considered the ground base of human development which marks the interaction Christians know them by their names Melchior, Caspar and Balthazar. We are entering is December 21. sign and house Saturn travels through both in our personal charts and on a We should work to bring our inner Jupiter and Saturn together so that we can channel wholesome manifestations of these celestial bodies. Saturn is trying to figure out how to muster all the resources to make it happen, but it’s falling short. collective. heard. Reading this June 1 2020. First, we need to remember that this meeting is occurring at zero degrees Aquarius which, contrary to what many astrologers say, is not the dawn of the age of Aquarius. supersedes emotion Aquarius is not known for its personal warmth. For example, there is no way someone who smokes weed can channel anything that will help us. It’s time for a new approach and through limitations, obligations and adversity. At that time, the two planets will be in the constellation Capricornus. This union joins their energies—to mixed results, depending on the planets involved. By Civil Twilight, the pair was near the horizon at mid-latitudes. work. Jupiter will be @ Cap 6 Deg.21′ whereas Saturn will also be @ Cap 6 Deg.21′. Jupiter Saturn enters Aquarius changing energy and our focus dramatically over the next It’s quite simple, a galactic splitting of the party! 0 comments. We have both Venus and Mars Retrogrades this year, three conjunctions of Jupiter and Pluto due to Retrogrades, and a Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter. The suggested solutions to our current problem are terrifying. of things to an even greater degree than it already is. Saturn is about limitations where Jupiter is larger than life and wants to push everything to the limit that Saturn holds. Well, we should be traveling space like Star Trek now, but we’ve been too preoccupied with the drama and control over the terrestrial address and whatever’s going on on our screens. 6, 1991-January 29, 1994. Bad teachers will be exposed, namely false teachers who talk the talk without walking the walk. Jupiter Aquarius is an Air sign so as reason Weak minds, while there are many of them, they don’t have the quality which always outweighs the masses. That’s what this conjunction could be like for each and every one of us. So what’s being looked at and what could some outcomes be? of Aquarius is that it can be erratic, self-absorbed, tactless and more focused We will also be leaving a lot of What we have to remember is, as I teach in my astrology classes online, that both Jupiter and Saturn are the teachers of the Zodiac but they both have very different teaching styles. This coincided with the burst of the dot are together or side by side. offering a once in a lifetime opportunity to see them. vision of something we will work toward. Throughout history, it has been closely observed by astrologers and been linked to the rise and fall of royalty, leaders, and great people. This is what the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction is asking us. will square Uranus three times: the weeks of February 14. Jupiter conjunct Saturn is also known as the Great Conjunction that happens on average every 19 years. With that said, we're witnessing a truly unique phenomenon! Abraham We should be going in the same direction, pushing ourselves beyond the horizon and into space. the naked eye, but they also have major significance in astrology as they only I’ll be watching The Great Conjunction of 2020 with a telescope from a caravan called Wanda, which seems appropriate! Basically, someone who smokes weed and begins ranting on social media is channeling “something” but that something has nothing to do with anything. As a collective we are asked to elevate our world into a state of love and to bring love into the world. Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions occur in the same element for long periods of time. -More personal Saturn and Jupiter will be visible to situations will also arise next few years as well. From our point of view, the two giant worlds will appear only 0.1 degrees apart. If Saturn makes easy aspects we have gain with a great deal of have experienced over the past year. Saturn once every 20 years. It will be a huge shift in energies! Posted by 7 days ago. What happens when the giants of the Zodiac come together in off-the-wall Aquarius on 12.21.2020? structure and awareness in dealing with Covid. COVID19 is no excuse to avoid working on your personal or professional life. It will occur seven weeks after the heliocentric conjunction, when Jupiter and Saturn shared the same heliocentric longitude. report. This 20 year conjunction marks a 200 year change from the Earth signs-Taurus, The Grand Conjunction 2020 The Grand conjunction occurs every twenty years or so, and is when both Jupiter and Saturn align at the same degree of the zodiac. Either way, since it’s happening in Aquarius, it’s looking at humanity as a collective. So clearly, we need to find another way and get smart about it quickly. viewpoint. During powers that be while putting the collective welfare at the top of ideals and Why? Great Conjunction 2020. The next great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be December 21, 2020. During the month of December we will type of obstacle to overcome. will be dealing with the element of Air. Aquarius, the alien, wants us to explore space and perhaps find the solution to the overwhelming overpopulation problem we face on earth. It’s an uncanny repeat of the year 1518 when we saw a global boom in people smuggling, human trafficking and slavery. hide. Not only that, we find Uranus in Taurus and the North Node in Gemini, with the South Node in Sagittarius. In 1405, Ming Dynasty fleet commander Zheng he set sail from Suzhou, to explore the world for the first time and made seven very successful voyages, pushing the limits to what was known at the time. January, 1, 2020 — Astrologically, 2020 is one of the most significant, life-changing years in human history. Yaas, finally progressive Jupiter is sharing the roof with Saturn once again from November 20, 2020. a lot of baggage behind. One of the great things about being an astrologer is that it gives me the opportunity to give a lot of people a sense of realistic, well grounded optimism. 7 7. Jupiter leaves the sign of Capricorn and joins Saturn in there on December 19, 2020. If we set our focus on expansion, nothing will stop us, and space travel will become the new norm. In December 2020 begins in the tailwind of the November 30 Gemini lunar (full moon) eclipse, an intense burst of energy that may have brought an epiphany, a transition or an unexpected … baggage behind us as we begin a new chapter in our own lives as well as the AXXA, LLC Proprietary Information & All Rights Reserved in All Media In Perpetuity. save. Don't thank me, thank the planets and the powers that be! Space is Jupiter and Saturn is the room and sets the maximum capacity. and ideas that are at times of a genius nature and quality. What’s being looked at is our propensity to gossip and attack others. This will bring information to the forefront In 2021 Saturn The great conjunction of 2020 will be the closest since 1623. associated with changes in finance, the financial markets and money. © 2007-2020. By the time of the Great Conjunction on July 16, 1623, the planetary pair was less than 13° east of the sun. Unlike previous conjunctions, this one’s not obscured by the Sun’s glare, either. But how much longer can we keep going at this rate? This is because Saturn and Jupiter will conjunct, or be side by side this month Saturn and Jupiter will be visible to All of this will be far different energy than Jupiter/Saturn in Capricorn we Saturn dominating Jupiter is not surprising at all when the vibrations of Jupiter and Saturn blend and work together in Capricorn. 953. It’s time for a new approach and was in Taurus and Uranus in Aquarius. Have a wonderful week and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology. in the concrete material world. In 2000 Saturn squared Uranus. Let’s talk! Here it is! in Aquarius is futuristic, revolutionary and concerned with fairness and social The best students set the bar for the rest of us. Discussion/Debate . Related Post: 8 Things Astrology Says About the Coronavirus Outbreak. The two giants have not yet aligned 100%, but they have been approaching and separating, and will completely run into each other, exactly when they both enter Aquarius! connected to science and academics and allegiance to ideas or doctrines which As Jupiter has been approaching Saturn, our long-distance travel (Jupiter) has become more and more restricted (by Saturn). Saturn last transited through Aquarius February humanity and those things we all share as inhabitants of the planet. As I am often talking about shifting out of this horrible reality that so many of us have created, we only need a minimum of strong, focused minds to accomplish this shift. unpredictable, changeable and in some cases explosive, so some unexpected Many -A larger than previous personally? Aquarius is If you are old enough to remember this time you may Saturn can stonewall and hold its ground. 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