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amaranth scientific name

A review by Alemayehu et al. Gluten-free products like bread and pasta with amaranth have been studied by some researchers (Calderon de la Barca, 2010; Schoenlechner, Drausinger, Ottenschlaeger, Jurackova, & Berghofer, 2010), but still remain under-researched compared to major crops. ex S. Watson var. In particular, popped amaranth offers a nutty compliment to sweet products such as cakes, cookies, mueslis, or granolas. Amaranth originated in America and is one of the oldest food crops in the world, with evidence of its cultivation reaching back as far as 6700 BC. Production of gluten-free products in general, and including amaranth in particular, is a great challenge and cannot be carried out without addition of further ingredients or without specific adaptation of relevant processing steps. Given that amaranths typically produce high yields of leaves and seeds, are easy to grow and harvest, and are simple to cook, the plants hold promise as potential alternative crops. Country of Origin: Mediterranean, East Africa Amaranth can have an all-green leaf, or one that is lightly striped with red. There is much greater cultivation in Russia, amounting to about 100,000 ha (Moudry et al., 1999). Amaranth is a rediscovered ‘new’ crop. Celosia argentea var. Native to Central America and South America, it is also cultivated in the countries having warm climate. Its grain is an excellent source of high-quality protein and lipids with higher content of minerals, such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, as well as dietary fibre, than cereal grains. Amaranthus belongs to the Caryophyllales order, which includes also quinoa, spinach and beetroot. Amaranth Farming Information Guide. Amaranthus viridis L. (1763) Preferred Common Name. Summarizing all affected persons together, the market can be estimated to be around 8–10% of the global population. Description. Amaranthus retroflexus, true to one of its common names, forms a tumbleweed. Often known as pigweeds, these competitive species are tolerant to a variety of growing conditions and readily reseed themselves. Wheat, hard red winter, USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Full Report 20072 from 12th January 2016; starch content was calculated by difference. Enzymatic hydrolysis of amaranth proteins has reportedly produced peptides with antithrombotic, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant effects (Fillería and Tironi, 2017; Moronta et al., 2016; Sabbione et al., 2015). This is an erect, annual herb reaching a maximum height near 3 m (9.8 ft). The main leafy cultivars belong to the species Amaranthus blitum, spinosous, and tricolor. The genus Amaranthus contains about 70 species. Amaranthus spinosus (spiny amaranth); habit, showing white-flushed leaves Kahului Airport, Maui, Hawaii, USA. Amaranth is a pseudocereal crop and produces cereal-like grains that contain high levels of nutritionally favorable protein, unusual quality of starch, and high-quality oil (including squalene). The yield depends on many factors, for example, low seed yields of 450–700 kg/ha on dry land were significantly increased to 900–2000 kg/ha by irrigation. Amaranth is one of the most delicious leafy vegetables. The embryo surrounds the centrally located starchy perisperm, which is mainly filled with starch granules. Consequently, the absorption of intact Amaranth is rather limited (EFSA, 2010e). Wu, in Encyclopedia of Grain Science, 2004. Biscuits containing Amaranth showed a loss of 39–45% promoted by the use of baking soda, sucrose, and dextrose. A general overview about macronutrients is given in Table 6.1. Amaranth Scientific Name: Amaranthus spp. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Mostly the inflorescence (group of flowers/fruit) is a dense spike, often with many branches. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Study showed albino mice pretreated with leaf extract provided protection against gamma irradiation in mice. Leaves have a long leaf stalk and have a broad base tapering to a pointed tip. Annual; Tall bushy annual with medium green, oval to heart-shaped leaves are overlaid with burgundy red - can grow up to 1.5m high. Amaranth is one of the oldest grain crops known. Highest yields of 4600–7200 kg/ha are in South and Middle America, whereas in Africa crop yields are quite low, 50–2500 kg/ha. There is currently a resurgence in the popularity of amaranth 500 years after it was eaten as staple food by ancient Mesoamericans, and it is available as part of a wide range of commercial foodstuffs in many parts of the world. It is quite drought resistant and grows from sea level to 3500 m. Unfortunately, there are no FAO statistics on grain amaranth production. A guide on how to grow kulitis/ amaranth in your backyard as a means of livelihood. It is quite similar to pigweed in many respects. The leaves are relatively broad and the blossom strands can reach a length of up to 90 cm. AMHYC2: Amaranthus hybridus L. var. Amaranth is a highly nutritional grain with a protein content of 13.2%–18.4% (depending on the species) the majority of which are globulins. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. The major metabolite found in the plasma and urine is naphthionic acid. The main amaranth-producing countries are the tropical regions of South America, but also of Africa (especially for leaves of the amaranth plant), Central, and Southeast Asia (especially India), and to a minor extent also the warmer regions of North America. Amaranth is also well adapted to cultivation in marginal land and has significant potential for further breeding improvement due to its high genetic diversity and range of phenotypic plasticity. Amaranth possesses characteristics of fast growth rate, good tolerance to stress (drought, salinity, alkalinity, and acidic poor soil conditions), and high potential for biomass and grain yield. November 2006. Amaranth seed in cross-(A) and longitudinal (B) sections. The leaves can be eaten fresh or cooked like spinach and are often added to salads or soups. Amaranth belongs to the C4 group of plants, which show higher water-use efficiency and photosynthesis under high temperature compared to C3 crops. cruentus (L.) Thell. The plants are bushy with thick stalks. In the early 1990s a husband-and-wife scientific team carried seed from Pennsylvania back home to China. cruentus (L.) Moq. Emmambux, in Technology of Functional Cereal Products, 2008. It is of nutritional interest to find that amaranth grains contain relatively higher level of iron than that in cereal grains. Preferred Scientific Name. Due to this fact and the higher proportion of embryo (about 25%) amaranth contains more fat and somewhat more proteins compared to most true cereals (Valcárcel-Yamani et al., 2012). Recently seven grain amaranths were resequenced; the genome assembly consisted of 377–466 Mb (mega base pairs). The genus Amaranthus, in the Amaranthaceae family, contains just over 100 accepted plant species (The Plant List, 2013). Popped amaranth grains are quite soft in texture and are ready to be eaten as is or to be incorporated (after milling) into existing or new food formulations.

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