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thoughts create reality

What is consciousness & conscious thoughts made of? The wave-aspect of anything in nature is an energy field that contains huge amounts of information. This concept is known as wave–particle duality, and forms a central part of the theory of quantum mechanics. When they reach sufficient intensity they manifest as events or objects in your life. That is good, but if you are a person that insists on a dry traditional scientific explanation for everything, that requirement can restrict you. We all suffer in our lives as a result. Mystery Of Manifestation Revealed: Your Thoughts Create Your Reality The mystery of manifestation, which is how you cause what happens to you, is burried in the unconsciousness of your own mind. Reality is itself is positive and cooperative. Each person’s life experience is a holographic projection of their mind and five senses. Your thoughts create your reality . NOTE: The content in this website is based on this book. Even a single thought-reaction to an outside event can be so impressionable that it creates a permanent belief. Even when we realize that we create our reality with our thoughts, we still sometimes dwell on people who bother us. The creative power of any particular thought is determined by how persistently you have that thought and by the strength of your conviction associated with it. Understanding that you create your reality through your thought power is not about blaming yourself for everything that may have gone wrong in your life to date. At the end of the day, what you choose to think and believe determines your reality. Click above to go to ThoughtsCreateMatter.com home page. Another useful tool is the 'cancel, cancel' technique made famous by the Silva Method. The most important insight to put everything in life in perspective. Click on the spinning globe at the top of any page to go to the day's affirmation page. In other words, an unexpected event that may have shown up in your life is just one of the many outcomes that you have assumed is possible, be it consciously or not, given the influence of collective consciousness over your unguarded subconscious mind. Don’t rely on others, however, find out for yourself by applying and testing these concepts in your life. We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution. This can only come from other levels of reality. The long answer explains the process of how thoughts create feelings. A negative thought cancels or diminishes the power of a positive thought and vice versa. One book I think is awesome to help you partner with your soul is Writing Down Your Soul by Janet Connor. Breathing Space Why are so many people in the world divided in their thinking? If you have been around for a long time you probably know how difficult it is to stay balanced and positive in a world that often buffets you around with drama and problems. Human nature is only untrustworthy when we base our civiliation the belief that it is. Click on image for thoughts create matter book page. This becomes the new reality. Buy book: consciousness creates matter. Hover over EN seal, read message, then click. Often, we are addicted to the idea that other people and situations prevent our success. They apply the principles and adhere by the new worldview faithfully despite inner pressure to break with understanding and join the world of victims. My study into this link and the many experiments conducted around it, confirmed my hypothesis. They do work. For this reason, your one-off, passing thoughts do not have the same creative power as your habitual thoughts and beliefs that you have assumed to be true. If you study this material long enough, it is inevitable that you will finally come to this conclusion. Habits and attitudes can be changed, but determination and effort are required. Eventually many people experience a shift which feels like they are awakening in a dream that they are creating with their own thoughts and emotions. The end result will be a complete and total reversal of focus that will bring about a new human with entirely new and radical ways of achieving goals and solving problems. ThoughtsCreateMatter.com home page. (2019, 2020), CAUSE OF SOCIAL DIVISION & PERSONAL DISSATISFACTION (2020), US PRESIDENT TRUMP & THE PROBABILITY OF DESTRUCTION (2020), DONALD TRUMP’S BELIEFS & THE FUTURE THEY WILL LEAD TO (2020), HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM TRUMP & OTHER BULLIES (2019, 2020), WHY ARE WE DIVIDED? We create our facts. You must commit to the wonderful truth rather than think it is too good to be true. This is a very affordable book and great gift to help someone get out of a difficult life situation. Any copied material can easily be identified through a Google search. Bring EN with you everywhere  you go by getting your own EN books to help you create what you want in life! SHOPPING MADE EASY! This is possible because every object in your environment is an extension of energy that connects to the level of creation that allows it to exist. … Most people have it back to front, believing that they feel or think a certain way because of their circumstances, not knowing the Truth that it is their thoughts that are creating those very circumstances, whether wanted or unwanted. All these belong to your personal self but even your personal self is not them. They are tried & tested. There is a lot to learn. As you do this, your negative thoughts will become fewer and far between. Essential information is contained within. Invisible to your physical eyes, but very much alive with energy. Consciousness not only forms its substance into personality, events, matter and reality, it does not obey the local laws of the mechanistic paradigm on which our civilization is based. Many ordinary people as well as psychics are certain that they receive some kind of spiritual help. If you are willing to do that, I can help you. The short answer is thoughts create feelings and feelings set the perspective through which we perceive the world. By purchasing a book you contribute to the betterment of humanity, to the best possible future for everyone in the world, and our mission. Quantum energy is consciousness. There are extensions within books similar to telepathic cords. Edgar Cayce, who was perhaps the most renowned psychic in history, could put a book under his pillow when he was a child, and wake up in the morning knowing the content of the book. The universe is alive. Demartini is a wonderful role model for those who face difficulty and challenge in their lives. If you doubt the process, the doubt itself is like static and interference. Proof that our thoughts create reality has been proven by experiments. Click on this site to learn more! If so, all curriculum from grade school to university will need to be entirely overhauled. EN is an online virtual entity. To commit to a new way of thinking is to deliberately think from a higher vantage point of understanding and calm reason and rise above your emotions when your emotional world is in turmoil. See more ideas about positivity, affirmations, positive affirmations. Thoughts create reality . James Allen said it best when he said: "circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him". Friend of Einstein, David Bohm, gives as a visual concept of a new paradigm of reality and explans how our thoughts can affect people and reality and create physical matter. The result is a confused world and civilization which has no consensus as to what reality really is. The result is a belief in a singular reality we all inhabit, yet the one world, one time-line traditional view of reality is a myth. Click below for more complete list of articles. But when all is said and done, commit now to a new way of thinking. "THE SOLUTION TO ALL OF HUMANITY'S PROBLEMS  & The Secret to Creating the Life You Want", G.E.N.I.E. So yes, your thoughts and consciousness create your reality by creating a hologram. Our methods of achievement are based on a false premise, as is our economic system and all other models on which our institutions are based. EVERYTHING YOU WERE TAUGHT IS WRONG: 45-YEAR STUDY: Thoughts Create Matter, Consciousness Creates Reality. In the same way that the state of your body is largely determined by the food you eat, so the state of your mind is a function of the mental food you consume—what you think. Here and now we have the power to work magic of such proportions we have never fathomed. You can freeze past experiences that are still affecting you and leave them in the past; you can even revise the past entirely with your imagination. On the deepest level, CEUs activate a universal algorithm that exists in all consciousness. They are everywhere. All books are simple and easy to understand. This site is personal self-transformation wisdom that is meant to be exciting and fun to learn. Bulk rate discounts for groups, schools & universities. An idea is just a focused thought. It is not about blaming anyone else either. Real wizards do exist and you can learn to become one. These theories are tested and proven to be facts. You have been warned!! Thought power is the key to creating your reality. New history-changing science transforming our personal and collective reality at this time, Your unlimited true nature & matter creating consciousness. Your thoughts aboutyour reality create your experienceof that reality. Lead page for EN affiliated sites. Yoko Ono If you want to break old patterns and habits of perception, bring powerful books into your life and remain centered on what they represent — the truth you are bringing out within yourself by having them in your presence. This is a discussion between Nassim Haramein & Foster Gamble from a “Thrive Together” event with our friends at Thrive Movement. Thoughts create Consciousness Energy Units (CEUs). Our thoughts create our experiences, and thus, we experience what we think. All your mental activities—your beliefs, imaginings, assumptions and the feelings they evoke, are the thinking activities of your mind. Thousands of years ago, the famous Buddha stated, "All that we are, is the result of what we have thought. Get the single-most important key to free yourself  or another from all limitations. There are several practical techniques that you can use to reprogram your mind and change your beliefs, including visualization, affirmations and auto-suggestions, changing your perception, revision of the past and more. This remarkable new way of looking at the universe is supported by two more of the world's  most  eminent thinkers ― Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, & University of London physicist David Bohm, a former protege of Einstein's. You can read my review here. Our own thoughts create our reality. Both waves of matter and thoughts are electromagnetic energy. New amazing history-changing science and proof your thoughts create matter and reality. Keep in mind these three words: "thoughts are things". The more you feel a particular thought to be true, and even know it to be true, the greater its power to attract its corresponding circumstance into your physical world through the Law of Attraction. In fact, think of your thoughts as being less powerful in and of themselves. You must realize that as your thinking and focus changes so will your reality, but time is usually required. Ultimately, everyone will discover that the events they experience are holographic projections; manifestations of “past” thoughts. Everything you perceive or experience in your visible, outer world has its origin in the invisible, inner world of your thoughts. I know that you have had unexplainable experiences in your life. (2019), WHAT IS AN INNER JUDGE & HOW TO STOP IT (November 2020), HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH METAPHYSICS (2019), WHERE DOES YOUR SUCCESS BEGIN? We can say that the term 'thinking' for the purposes of thought power does not only refer to what we are accustomed to as thinking about this or that. The fact that your environment is a holographic projection of your brain and five senses explains part of the mystery as to how consciousness and thoughts create matter and physical reality. Copied material is subject to penalty from Google and William Eastwood. Thoughts and mental images lead to action, and action leads to results, fulfillment and achievement. He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Master the process of conscious creation. Adventures; Thoughts Create Reality. In the same way, the universe is composed of infinite signals which I call “probabilities.” Through your beliefs, thoughts and emotions you select probabilities in the same way you select a TV program. Your mind is connected to everything in the universe, can bypass physical laws of cause and effect and time and space restrictions, and can permeate any seeming barrier. This knowledge that thoughts create matter gives you encouragement and allows you to change your reality, eventually freeing yourself from limitations. These carry emotions that show what we really believe. We may remain with one foot in the old world and one in the new paradigm. Instead of using a TV you use the physical brain as a receiver to pick up the proper signal. Scientific Educational Articles On Other Sites. In scientific terms, after you have a thought it will activate a natural algorithm that exists within all Conscious Energy Units (CEUs). (2020), AFFIRMATIONS POSTED EVERY DAY AT 8:00 PM EST, CONSCIOUSNESS SCIENCE APPLICATION (2018, 2020), YOUR MIND SELECTS PROBABILITIES (October 2020), WHAT IS SYNCHRONICITY & HOW TO CREATE IT (November 2000), SOLVE PROBLEMS & ACHIEVE GOALS FAST (2020), DOES THE MERITOCRACY HOLD YOU BACK? EN's books provide clarification & simple methods. That pattern contains a natural impetus and will attempt to replicate itself in all possible ways, such as in the alteration of an event, such as a positive emotion modifying a dreaded encounter, or by producing a brand-new physical event in which desires can be expressed and experienced. Waste no time with this powerful guide. Where do the hundreds of TV programs go when your TV is turned off? Your environment is that hologram. Beliefs are the strongest kind of thoughts; they are thoughts that we have invested with strong conviction. The holidays are here, send them more than a card. Click below if you want to shop for books. Get the single-most important key to liberate yourself from all limitations. A subconscious mind that has been programmed at random, will give rise to seemingly random events. I have studied the paradigm that is accurate my entire life. The state of your life, from the state of your finances to the state of your health and your relationships, is accurately revealing what you think (imagine, believe and feel) in each area. Your soul uses your thoughts to create reality. Thoughts create emotions, and emotions can inspire us to make decisions and take actions, leading one to the desired experience or result. Albert Einstein said that "everything is energy... [that] a human being is a part of the whole called by us [the] Universe". Is a challenge. Accessing the Source of All Power starts and ends by looking inwards. Once you materialize something in your life, an energy pathway continues to exist, even when the object is long-gone. Not only is most of what we learned in school false, but it is highly disadvantageous. This is the essence of thought power. Is this the only reality or do other parallel inner dimensions exist? No more hard work, make life fun. Even the material world is composed of atoms which have consciousness within them and are an expression of Conscious Energy Units (CEU’s). on Pinterest. Scientific and philosophical reasons why the soul and all people are good and are altruistic inside. Your mind is one and the same with Universal Mind and since your thoughts are a product of your mind, and your mind is Universal Mind in its entirety, it follows that your thought power is also limitless. But even so, positive thoughts can of be no use to you, if you do not think them or if you follow them up with consistent negative thoughts. Every object around you is a holographic projection of your mind that connects you to the innermost portion of your soul that creates them. I create my reality in the same way you do, via holographic projection. >   PHILOSOPHY   >   NEW SCIENCE   >   DAILY AFFIRMATIONS  >  HOW TO CREATE ANYTHING  >  THE SOLUTION TO YOUR PROBLEMS  >  BOOKS  >  ABOUT US. For this reason, it may appear difficult to directly join-the-dots between the cause (thought) and the effect (circumstance) but the causation is always there. Thoughts create reality is a popular song by Shadowsweat | Create your own TikTok videos with the Thoughts create reality song and explore 0 videos made by new and popular creators. We create according to the strongest convictions within us, and these are typically fears or the idea that we are not good enough to create what we want in life. However, this is far more than just a manifesting book — it introduces you to the future of humanity and metabiological evolution. Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions are a lesser intensity of electromagnetic energy until they manifest as a solid. Compilation of knowledge, quotes etc on the concept of Thoughts create Reality Creating your reality is like maintaining a positive state of mind yet not missing the negatives. EN's Basics & Starting Point for Most Readers. As your mind projects scenes in dreams, the mind projects your physical environment in the same basic way. You then have the advantage that others who are close-minded refuse. Many people are searching for a scientific finding that will validate what they feel on a deeper level. This article series delves into the question of whether our thoughts can create our reality. It is of no use until we awaken to it. Our eyes project the ideas we form from energy into the grid of physical reality. We seem to have come up with a statement, which has become a belief, that our thoughts create our realities. Thoughts Create Reality Exploring Inner Space. What we think we become." People want and need to believe what they were taught, but what they learned is based on fifteenth-century science which quantum physics—the study of life—proves wrong. The choices you make and the actions you take are based upon the original thought. As the I AM you know you are one with The Absolute—your God Self. Go on ,I dare you, pick it up and read it...you won't, no can't , be left in the same place when you have finished it. They’re one of the company directors, if you like, rather than the … The most pragmatic way to create world peace is to use your power of visualization. This is generally far less effective. How do our thoughts create our reality? And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes Your thoughts create your reality Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions select components of probabilities . This is how your thoughts shape your reality. By doing so, you will be able to attract into your life that which you intend to have and experience as you come to know … I have read many reviews on many books which rave about the content. This knowledge that thoughts create matter gives you encouragement and allows you to change your reality, eventually freeing yourself of all limitations. Positive Thoughts. When we look at a tree we do not see the roots, but we know a tree has roots. That is what I have discovered and that is what I explain in the Key. And your soul is a part of you. FOUR SCIENTIFIC EDUCATIONAL SITES WITH ONE PHILOSOPHY. By managing these three elements you can change your personal experience to bring it in line with what you want your life to be. A book (below) I created to explain and clarify these concepts, while introducing you to my philosophy at a low cost to you: Imagine if the most fun way to live your life was the most responsible and best way to solve your problems? Max Tegmark of MIT, says that consciousness is a state of matter. The earth is blanketed by radio and TV signals. A greater range and experience of love and understanding is available to you. Remember, it is of little use to entertain thoughts of what you desire as if you already have it for just a short burst of time each day, if you then proceed to think the opposite unwanted thoughts for the rest of the day. Thereafter, your beliefs confirm and justify the way you think. Link to Amazon: International 5 STAR Review: Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 9, 2020. >, IS THERE A SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR/OUR PROBLEMS? Or heal many lives any time of year. The author attributes his success to the application of these principles. List of Pantuns; Gallery of Collages; About Me; Post navigation ← Previous Post. Who pays the price? The following words of James Allen perfectly capture the essence of thought power and is personally my favourite quote on the subject. And this is why all the great minds and thinkers agree that: We live in a world of thought. It is the rest of science, media and the world who do not want to listen to what they are saying. You may think your beliefs and feelings are independent of your thoughts but they all started off as a single thought. This is an ideal gift because the first thing is says is "YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON." “In editing ‘The Solution…’, my perspective as a scientist with doctorates in theology is that ‘The Solution…’ bridges science, metaphysics and true religion. And believe determines your reality. note of any times when your beliefs and habits! A TV you use the physical brain as a concrete objective physical world has its origin in invisible. 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