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sovereign debt crisis wiki

Eventually, Greece agreed on a third bailout package in August 2015. Since struggling European countries lack the funds to engage in deficit spending, German economist and member of the German Council of Economic Experts Peter Bofinger and Sony Kapoor of the global think tank Re-Define suggest providing €40 billion in additional funds to the European Investment Bank (EIB), which could then lend ten times that amount to the employment-intensive smaller business sector. By issuing bail-out aid guaranteed by prudent eurozone taxpayers to rule-breaking eurozone countries such as Greece, the EU and eurozone countries also encourage moral hazard in the future. The changes he recommends include even greater economic integration of the European Union. Reprinted in Donald Moggridge, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, M. Nicolas J. Firzli, "A Critique of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision", Anand. Commodity prices also rose following the announcement. The contagion of debt thus spread from households to banks to governments. Moreover some politicians have accused financial markets themselves of worsening the crisis by panic and speculation about sovereign debt. [109][147], According to the Financial Times special report on the future of the European Union, the Portuguese government has "made progress in reforming labour legislation, cutting previously generous redundancy payments by more than half and freeing smaller employers from collective bargaining obligations, all components of Portugal's €78 billion bailout program". [130] Government debt reached 123.7% of GDP in 2013. [38][40] On 10 November 2011, Papandreou resigned following an agreement with the New Democracy party and the Popular Orthodox Rally to appoint non-MP technocrat Lucas Papademos as new prime minister of an interim national union government, with responsibility for implementing the needed austerity measures to pave the way for the second bailout loan. [505][506] The creation of further leverage in EFSF with access to ECB lending would also appear to violate the terms of this article. German banks owned $60bn of Greek, Portuguese, Irish and Spanish government debt and $151bn of banks' debt of these countries. Despite these different macroeconomic conditions, the European Central Bank could only adopt one interest rate, choosing one that meant that real interest rates in Germany were high (relative to inflation) and low in Southern eurozone member states. The following table includes actual sovereign defaults and debt restructuring of independent countries since 1557. This incentivized investors in Germany to lend to the South, whereas the South was incentivized to borrow (because interest rates were very low). The focus has naturally remained on Greece due to its debt crisis. [3][4] Debt accumulation in some eurozone members was in part due to macroeconomic differences among eurozone member states prior to the adoption of the euro. In case of economic shocks, policy makers typically try to improve competitiveness by depreciating the currency, as in the case of Iceland, which suffered the largest financial crisis in 2008–2011 in economic history but has since vastly improved its position. He and Stark were both thought to have resigned due to "unhappiness with the ECB's bond purchases, which critics say erode the bank's independence". [454] European leaders are reportedly studying the possibility of setting up a European ratings agency in order that the private US-based ratings agencies have less influence on developments in European financial markets in the future. It is located in Luxembourg.[319][320]. The Commission fund, backed by all 27 European Union members, has the authority to raise up to €60 billion[283] and is rated AAA by Fitch, Moody's and Standard & Poor's. It has been a long known belief that austerity measures will always reduce the GDP growth in the short term. Spain had a comparatively low debt level among advanced economies prior to the crisis. The economy collapsed during 2008. ", "Tougher euro debt ratings stoke downward spiral – study", "Netherlands loses S&P triple-A credit rating", "UPDATE 2-EU attacks credit rating agencies, suggests bias", "Moody's downgrades ANA-Aeroportos de Portugal to Baa3 from A3, review for further downgrade", "Moody's downgrades EDP's rating to Baa3; outlook negative", "Moody's downgrades REN's rating to Baa3; keeps rating under review for downgrade", "Moody's downgrades BCR to Baa3, under review for further downgrade", "Eurozone in new crisis as ratings agency downgrades nine countries", "David Cameron threatens veto if EU treaty fails to protect City of London", "EUROPA – Press Releases – A turning point for the European financial sector", "ESMA Chief Says Rating Companies Subject to EU Laws, FTD Reports", "Europe – Rethink on rating agencies urged", "EU Gets Tough on Credit-Rating Agencies", "European indecision: Why is Germany talking about a European Monetary Fund? [82] As of 2015[update], 78% of Greek debt is owed to public sector institutions, primarily the EU. [417], The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) adds that if the overall debt load continues to grow faster than the economy, then large-scale debt restructuring becomes inevitable. [474][475] This is not the case in the eurozone, which is self-funding. [345] In the first few weeks of 2010, there was renewed anxiety about excessive national debt, with lenders demanding ever-higher interest rates from several countries with higher debt levels, deficits, and current account deficits. In essence, this forced European banks and more importantly the European Central Bank, e.g. [392], Several proposals were made in mid-2012 to purchase the debt of distressed European countries such as Spain and Italy. ", "S&P takes Europe's rescue fund down a notch", "EU bonds for Ireland bailout well-received on market", "AFP: First EU bond for Ireland attracts strong demand: HSBC", "Irish Bailout Begins as Europe Sells Billions in Bonds", "EU's Bailout Bond Three Times Oversubscribed", "il bond è stato piazzato al tasso del 2,59%", "Leaders agree eurozone debt deal after late-night talks", "EU leaders reach a deal to tackle debt crisis", "Greece debt crisis: Markets dive on Greek referendum", "Banks Retrench in Europe While Keeping Up Appearances" (limited no-charge access), "Commodities trade finance crisis deepens" (limited no-charge access), "ECB decides on measures to address severe tensions in financial markets", "Bundesbank: "EZB darf nicht Staatsfinanzierer werden, "Summary of ad hoc communication: Related to monetary policy implementation issued by the ECB since 1 January 2007", "ECB May Hit Bond Sterilization Limit in January, Rabobank Says", "ECB: ECB decides on measures to address severe tensions in financial markets", "Fed Restarts Currency Swaps as EU Debt Crisis Flares", "ECB suspends rating threshold for Greece debt", "Grosse Notenbanken versorgen Banken mit Liquidität – Kursfeuerwerk an den Börsen – auch SNB beteiligt", "European Central Bank Breaks New Ground to Press Growth", "Belgium's Praet to serve as ECB's chief economist", "ECB announces measures to support bank lending and money market activity", "ECB Lends 489 Billion Euros for 3 Years, Exceeding Forecast", "Markets live transcript 29 February 2012", "Eurozone crisis live: ECB to launch massive cash injection", "Banks in the euro zone must raise more than 200 billion euros in the first three months of 2012", "€529 billion LTRO 2 tapped by record 800 banks", "European Leaders to Present Plan to Quell the Crisis Quickly", "Court to Rule on Euro Measures on Sept. 12", "Euro Zone Changing ESM to Satisfy German Court", EUROPEAN COUNCIL 16–17 December 2010 CONCLUSIONS, Parliament approves Treaty change to allow stability mechanism, "Retrieved 22 March 2011 Published 22 March 2011", "EUROPEAN COUNCIL 24/25 March 2011 CONCLUSIONS", TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN STABILITY MECHANISM (ESM), "Council reaches agreement on measures to strengthen economic governance", "Angela Merkel vows to create 'fiscal union' across eurozone", "European fiscal union: what the experts say", "WRAPUP 5-Europe moves ahead with fiscal union, UK isolated", "European leaders resume Brussels summit talks: live coverage", "23 European Union leaders agree to fiscal curbs, but Britain blocks broad deal", End of the veto honeymoon? As a result of this vote, Greece's finance minister Yanis Varoufakis stepped down on 6 July. [266] [96][97] In return, the Eurogroup agreed on the following day to lower interest rates and prolong debt maturities and to provide Greece with additional funds of around €10bn for a debt-buy-back programme. [27] By 2007 (i.e., before the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008), it was still one of the fastest growing in the eurozone, with a public debt-to-GDP that did not exceed 104%,[27] but it was associated with a large structural deficit. [406][407], Germany remains largely opposed at least in the short term to a collective takeover of the debt of states that have run excessive budget deficits and borrowed excessively over the past years. We are in the midst of the initial stages of a full-blown sovereign debt crisis that potentially may inflict far more havoc on the global financial system than the turmoil that erupted less than two years ago. [30] [325], Originally EU leaders planned to change existing EU treaties but this was blocked by British prime minister David Cameron, who demanded that the City of London be excluded from future financial regulations, including the proposed EU financial transaction tax. [338][339] In a 2003 study that analysed 133 IMF austerity programmes, the IMF's independent evaluation office found that policy makers consistently underestimated the disastrous effects of rigid spending cuts on economic growth. In the pilot phase until 2013, EU funds amounting to €230 million are expected to mobilise investments of up to €4.6 billion. [328] Cameron subsequently conceded that his action had failed to secure any safeguards for the UK. Over time, this led to the accumulation of deficits in the South, primarily by private economic actors. The case of Greece shows that excessive levels of private indebtedness and a collapse of public confidence (over 90% of Greeks fear unemployment, poverty and the closure of businesses)[346] led the private sector to decrease spending in an attempt to save up for rainy days ahead. The world's already huge debt load smashed the record for the highest debt-to-GDP ratio before 2019 was even over. [176], On 25 June 2012, the Cypriot Government requested a bailout from the European Financial Stability Facility or the European Stability Mechanism, citing difficulties in supporting its banking sector from the exposure to the Greek debt haircut. The Economist rebutted these "Anglo-Saxon conspiracy" claims, writing that although American and British traders overestimated the weakness of southern European public finances and the probability of the breakup of the eurozone breakup, these sentiments were an ordinary market panic, rather than some deliberate plot.[460]. [509] The proposition made by German Council of Economic Experts provides detailed blue print to mutualise the current debts of all euro-zone economies above 60% of their GDP. [379] A similar imbalance exists in the US, which runs a large trade deficit (net import position) and therefore is a net borrower of capital from abroad. He further added: "If the agency downgrades France, it should also downgrade Britain in order to be consistent. "[448], Think-tanks such as the World Pensions Council (WPC) [fr] have criticised European powers such as France and Germany for pushing for the adoption of the Basel II recommendations, adopted in 2005 and transposed in European Union law through the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD), effective since 2008. British discount retailer Poundland chose the name Dealz and not "Euroland" for its 2011 expansion into Ireland because, CEO Jim McCarthy said, "'Eurozone' ... is usually reported in association with bad news — job losses, debts and increased taxes". [61], Some economic experts argue that the best option for Greece, and the rest of the EU, would be to engineer an "orderly default", allowing Athens to withdraw simultaneously from the eurozone and reintroduce its national currency the drachma at a debased rate. [102][103] Due to an improved outlook for the Greek economy, with return of a government structural surplus in 2012, return of real GDP growth in 2014, and a decline of the unemployment rate in 2015,[104] it was possible for the Greek government to return to the bond market during the course of 2014, for the purpose of fully funding its new extra financing gaps with additional private capital. Stark was "probably the most hawkish" member of the council when he resigned. [515][516] The structures were designed by prominent US investment banks, who received substantial fees in return for their services and who took on little credit risk themselves thanks to special legal protections for derivatives counterparties. The European debt crisis (often also referred to as the eurozone crisis or the European sovereign debt crisis) is a multi-year debt crisis that has been taking place in the European Union since the end of 2009. It started with sudden reforms and austerity measures. [510] According to US author Ross Douthat "This would effectively turn the European Union into a kind of postmodern version of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire, with a Germanic elite presiding uneasily over a polyglot imperium and its restive local populations". "[484][485] US economist Martin Feldstein went so far to call the euro "an experiment that failed". [397] Increased European integration giving a central body increased control over the budgets of member states was proposed on 14 June 2012 by Jens Weidmann President of the Deutsche Bundesbank,[398] expanding on ideas first proposed by Jean-Claude Trichet, former president of the European Central Bank. The Greek debt crisis very soon spread to other countries which invested in Greek bonds or had also very high public debt. The likely substantial fall in the euro against a newly reconstituted Deutsche Mark would give a "huge boost" to its members' competitiveness. John Rentoul of The Independent concluded that "Any Prime Minister would have done as Cameron did". It falls into two categories: debt held by the public and intragovernmental. Alternatively, trade imbalances can be reduced if a country encouraged domestic saving by restricting or penalising the flow of capital across borders, or by raising interest rates, although this benefit is likely offset by slowing down the economy and increasing government interest payments. [6][108] Despite none OMT programmes were ready to start in September/October, the financial markets straight away took notice of the additionally planned OMT packages from ECB, and started slowly to price-in a decline of both short-term and long-term interest rates in all European countries previously suffering from stressed and elevated interest levels (as OMTs were regarded as an extra potential back-stop to counter the frozen liquidity and highly stressed rates; and just the knowledge about their potential existence in the very near future helped to calm the markets). [442] ", "Bonitätswächter wehren sich gegen Staatseinmischung", "Non-profit credit rating agency challenge", "Infrastructure Investments in an Age of Austerity: The Pension and Sovereign Funds Perspective", "Euro zone rumours: There is no conspiracy to kill the euro", "No EU bailout for Greece as Papandreou promises to "put our house in order, "Spanish secret service said to probe market swings", "A Media Plot against Madrid? [172] "Madrid is reviewing its labour market and pension reforms and has promised by the end of this year to liberalize its heavily regulated professions. [349], The Euro Plus Monitor update from spring 2013 notes that the eurozone remains on the right track. [129] Despite the end of the bailout the country's unemployment rate remains high and public sector wages are still around 20% lower than at the beginning of the crisis. [499] A monetary union of these countries with current account surpluses would create the world's largest creditor bloc, bigger than China[500] or Japan. On 18 May 2014, Portugal left the EU bailout mechanism without additional need for support,[26] as it had already regained a complete access to lending markets back in May 2013,[109] and with its latest issuing of a 10-year government bond being successfully completed with a rate as low as 3.59%. On 5 July 2015, the citizens of Greece voted decisively (a 61% to 39% decision with 62.5% voter turnout) to reject a referendum that would have given Greece more bailout help from other EU members in return for increased austerity measures. With yields on Irish Government debt rising rapidly, it was clear that the Government would have to seek assistance from the EU and IMF, resulting in a €67.5 billion "bailout" agreement of 29 November 2010. As such, it can be argued to have had a major political impact on the ruling governments in 10 out of 19 eurozone countries, contributing to power shifts in Greece, Ireland, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Belgium and the Netherlands, as well as outside of the eurozone, in the United Kingdom.[8]. [6] A eurozone country can benefit from the program if -and for as long as- it is found to suffer from stressed bond yields at excessive levels; but only at the point of time where the country possesses/regains a complete market access -and only if the country still complies with all terms in the signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement. Instead of a default by one country rippling through the entire interconnected financial system, the firewall mechanism can ensure that downstream nations and banking systems are protected by guaranteeing some or all of their obligations. "[395], The Economist wrote in June 2012: "Outside Germany, a consensus has developed on what Mrs. Merkel must do to preserve the single currency. [315], On 16 December 2010 the European Council agreed a two line amendment to the EU Lisbon Treaty to allow for a permanent bail-out mechanism to be established[316] including stronger sanctions. [455][456] According to German consultant company Roland Berger, setting up a new ratings agency would cost €300 million. [121] Together with additional €17.5 billion coming from Ireland's own reserves and pensions, the government received €85 billion,[122] of which up to €34 billion was to be used to support the country's failing financial sector (only about half of this was used in that way following stress tests conducted in 2011). Spain never officially received a bailout programme. [56][57][58], Overall the share of the population living at "risk of poverty or social exclusion" did not increase notably during the first two years of the crisis. [431] Around 2005 most eurozone members violated the pact, resulting in no action taken against violators. [128] In December 2013, after three years on financial life support, Ireland finally left the EU/IMF bailout programme, although it retained a debt of €22.5 billion to the IMF; in August 2014, early repayment of €15 billion was being considered, which would save the country €375 million in surcharges. [100] Poul Thomsen, the IMF official who heads the bailout mission in Greece, stated that "in structural terms, Greece is more than halfway there". [27] In the case of Greece, the high budget deficit (which, after several corrections, was revealed that it had been allowed to reach 10.2% and 15.1% of GDP in 2008 and 2009, respectively[29]) was coupled with a high public debt to GDP ratio (which, until then, was relatively stable for several years, at just above 100% of GDP- as calculated after all corrections). [272] Asian bonds yields also fell with the EU bailout. As regards government finance, the states agreed that the annual government budget deficit should not exceed 3% of gross domestic product (GDP) and that the gross government debt to GDP should not exceed 60% of GDP (see protocol 12 and 13). Ben Bernanke warned of the risks of such imbalances in 2005, arguing that a "savings glut" in one country with a trade surplus can drive capital into other countries with trade deficits, artificially lowering interest rates and creating asset bubbles. [citation needed] A successful return to the long-term lending market was made by the issuing of a 5-year maturity bond series in January 2013,[146] and the state regained complete lending access when it successfully issued a 10-year maturity bond series on 7 May 2013. [157] The amendment states that public debt can not exceed 60% of GDP, though exceptions would be made in case of a natural catastrophe, economic recession or other emergencies. A number of IMF Executive Board members from India, Brazil, Argentina, Russia, and Switzerland criticized this in an internal memorandum, pointing out that Greek debt would be unsustainable. [182] Following public outcry, the eurozone finance ministers were forced to change the levy, excluding deposits of less than €100,000, and introducing a higher 15.6% levy on deposits of above €100,000 ($129,600)—in line with the EU minimum deposit guarantee. Using the term "stability bonds", Jose Manuel Barroso insisted that any such plan would have to be matched by tight fiscal surveillance and economic policy coordination as an essential counterpart so as to avoid moral hazard and ensure sustainable public finances. Articles 125 and 123 were meant to create disincentives for EU member states to run excessive deficits and state debt, and prevent the moral hazard of over-spending and lending in good times. According to the authors, almost all vulnerable countries in need of adjustment "are slashing their underlying fiscal deficits and improving their external competitiveness at an impressive speed", for which they expected the eurozone crisis to be over by the end of 2013. [74], The European Central Bank (ECB) has taken a series of measures aimed at reducing volatility in the financial markets and at improving liquidity.[292]. [14] At the time, the European Commission released a forecast of a 1.8% decline in EU economic output for 2009, making the outlook for the banks even worse. See, This page was last edited on 21 November 2020, at 19:38. [99], The Financial Times special report on the future of the European Union argues that the liberalisation of labour markets has allowed Greece to narrow the cost-competitiveness gap with other southern eurozone countries by approximately 50% over the past two years. ", "Eurosystem debts, Greece, and the role of banknotes", "The Political Economy of the Greek Debt Crisis: A Tale of Two Bailouts - Special Paper No. A sovereign debt crisis occurs when a country is unable to pay its bills. [citation needed]. [429] While the no bail-out clause remains in place, the "no bail-out doctrine" seems to be a thing of the past.[430]. [307], This way the ECB tried to make sure that banks have enough cash to pay off €200 billiontheir own maturing debts in the first three months of 2012, and at the same time keep operating and loaning to businesses so that a credit crunch does not choke off economic growth. [367][368], Another option would be to implement fiscal devaluation, based on an idea originally developed by John Maynard Keynes in 1931. So far, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has opposed all forms of mutualisation. In mid-2012, due to successful fiscal consolidation and implementation of structural reforms in the countries being most at risk and various policy measures taken by EU leaders and the ECB (see below), financial stability in the eurozone has improved significantly and interest rates have steadily fallen. Instead of the break-up and issuing new national governments bonds by individual euro-zone governments, "everybody, from Germany (debt: 81% of GDP) to Italy (120%) would issue only these joint bonds until their national debts fell to the 60% threshold. [44] Then, in March 2012, the Greek government did finally default on parts of its debt - as there was a new law passed by the government so that private holders of Greek government bonds (banks, insurers and investment funds) would "voluntarily" accept a bond swap with a 53.5% nominal write-off, partly in short-term EFSF notes, partly in new Greek bonds with lower interest rates and the maturity prolonged to 11–30 years (independently of the previous maturity). Current projections are that by 2019 the debt will be less than required by the Stability and Growth Pact. [449], Due to the failures of the ratings agencies, European regulators obtained new powers to supervise ratings agencies. [101], Both of the latest bailout programme audit reports, released independently by the European Commission and IMF in June 2014, revealed that even after transfer of the scheduled bailout funds and full implementation of the agreed adjustment package in 2012, there was a new forecast financing gap of: €5.6bn in 2014, €12.3bn in 2015, and €0bn in 2016. [343] According to historian Florian Schui from University of St. Gallen no austerity program has ever worked. Soros writes that a collapse of the European Union would precipitate an uncontrollable financial meltdown and thus "the only way" to avert "another Great Depression" is the formation of a European Treasury. There are all kinds of debt—as small as personal debt or as large as national debt. The first sign appears when the country finds it cannot get a low interest rate from lenders. [369][370] According to this neo-Keynesian logic, policy makers can increase the competitiveness of an economy by lowering corporate tax burden such as employer's social security contributions, while offsetting the loss of government revenues through higher taxes on consumption (VAT) and pollution, i.e. a high unemployment rate) are forecast still to be felt during many of the subsequent years. [33], On 1 May 2010, the Greek government announced a series of austerity measures (the Third austerity package within months)[34] to secure a three-year €110 billion loan (First Economic Adjustment Programme). [14][15] The many public funded bank recapitalizations were one reason behind the sharply deteriorated debt-to-GDP ratios experienced by several European governments in the wake of the Great Recession. He argues that to save the Euro long-term structural changes are essential in addition to the immediate steps needed to arrest the crisis. 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