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philosophy of sustainable development

Pawłowski A., Politechnika Lubelska. Besides, scholars and researchers, especially in Central Europe, approach sustainability in a holistic way, paying more attention to a doer (subject) than to the doer's vicinity full of natural resources (objects). The discussion was limited to the assumptions of anthropology, social philosophy and historiosophy, such as human rationality, progress, and risk. Environmental law - Environmental law - Principles of environmental law: The design and application of modern environmental law have been shaped by a set of principles and concepts outlined in publications such as Our Common Future (1987), published by the World Commission on Environment and Development, and the Earth Summit’s Rio Declaration (1992). Sustainable Ethics vs. Frontier Ethics. Often, 'sustainability' is thought to represent some long-term goal and 'sustainable development' a means or process by which to achieve it. This process will lead to the following outcome: immunity to materialism and social/ environmental and cultural . Also school teachers in Poland, when given a task to explain the meaning of sustainable development, tend to underscore personal, social and intellectuals' abilities and skills of people. Modern reflection emphasizes that the idea of ownership is not confined to material goods, but encompasses various elements of the surrounding world. The results suggest that planners are aware of the need for public involvement in the planning process though they have some doubts about the real effects of such involvement. Furthermore, the text contains a short biography of the Polish scientist and presents the reception of Goetl in modern Polish ecological thought in the form of systemic sozology and sozophilosophy. Globalisation is applied to this, in an age where the influences of large multinational corporations, geared primarily for profit, do not have a strong partner who could effectively control them. The article concludes with a conviction that negative influences are at present dominant, these serving to block or stop the sustainable development process. A discrepancy of perception and thus understanding of the notion of sustainability blurs its meaning. The course and pace of the process in turn depend on specific conditions arising which may be conducive to (or even stimulate) its development, or else slow down or even stop it. Sustainability concept exists in the soul of the Cittaslow (slow city) philosophy. Among assumptions concerning metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of history and anthropology, also axiological foundation of sustainable development is highlighted. 1, s. 225-231. Idea zrównowaŜonego rozwoju, a moŜliwości jej urzeczywistnienia. It is necessary to return to the concept of the welfare state to significantly improve the quality of life for most citizens. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), like the sustainable development (SD) concept itself, are open to multifaceted interpretations, and the same is true for their ethical implications. Besides, scholars and researchers, especially in Central Europe, approach sustainability in a holistic way, paying more attention to a doer (subject) than to the doer's vicinity full of natural resources (objects). Philosophy of Sustainable Development, Polish Perspective. The desired result is a state of society where living conditions and resources are used to continue to meet … © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. At the. GAWOR L., Szkice o cywilizacji, Rzeszów In the final part discussed idea is presented as modern version of Enlightenment's optimistic social philosophy. Social Crisis Created by Promotion of Biofuels and Nowadays Liberal Capitalism, Henryk Skolimowski's Ecophilosophy in the Aspect of Philosophy of History, Revealing the Level of Tension between Cultural Heritage and Development in World Heritage Cities (Oszacowanie zakresu konfliktów występujących pomiędzy ochroną dziedzictwa kulturowego a rozwojem w miastach z Listy Światowego Dziedzictwa), Low Carbon Development of China’s Yangtze River Delta Region, Polish Planners’ Attitudes Towards Citizen Participation, Theoretical Basis and Implementation of the Idea of Sustainable Development in Forestry, Douala – A City of Lost Hopes? should be noted that promises benefits of the terms used in sustainable forest management (SFM), in relation to the multifunctional forestry cannot be met simultaneously and immediately. Only realistic approach and co*ordinated, systematic and persistent efforts of people and their organization can bring us closer to the ideal of development. The second part of the paper presents the Enlightenment assumptions of the Brundtland Report. The sustainability of development presents some of the most important policy challenges concerning the future of our planet, and it requires an interdisciplinary approach involving the social, natural, engineering, and health sciences. This paper analyzes the low carbon development situation and trend in the China’s Yangtze River Delta region, one of the most important industrial and economic centers of China. This research concentrated on sustainable development as a contemporary political idea. These disproportions are marked the most in Africa. The philoso-phy of sustainable development is autonomous. The course provides support and an intellectual environment by leading scholars in the field to pursue your own independent research. The starting point for any considerations is the assumption that the sustainable development concept ushered in by decisions of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro is indeed a real social process. Pawłowski A., Politechnika Lubelska, Lublin The paper presents the analysis of participation of renewable energy in the total energy consumption in sectors of economy. Consequences of Decolonisation in Africa Versus Sustainable Development. Consequently, care for the creation and natural environment should be viewed as Christian responsibility. The understanding of ownership proposed by him was also a faithful reflection of biblical teaching. Yet, the formal subject are the Enlightenment assumptions of the strategy elaborated in this report. field, social milieu. Hui-Chuan Li. The research indicates that the economic aspect for sustainable energy development is of low importance, the ethical field and the need to preserve resources for future generations are crucial. Politechnika Lubelska, Lublin 2003. Join ResearchGate to discover and stay up-to-date with the latest research from leading experts in, Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the author. Philosophy and History of Sustainable Development 1. w: Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development, vol. 1, no 2, s. 73-76. Sustainable development is the organizing principle for meeting human development goals while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. Sustainable development in the energy-using sector in European Union countries; Roczniki naukowe SERiA, t. XVIII, z. February 26, 2019; CityLab. Economy Philosophy leads to sustainable development. The full title of SDG 4 is "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for … HULL Z., 2008, Filozoficzne i społeczne uwarunkowania zrównowaŜonego rozwoju, w: Sustainable Development Books Showing 1-50 of 301 Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution – and How It Can Renew America (Hardcover) by. The purpose of the paper is to reconstruct and characterize these assumptions as constitutive elements of the philosophy of the Brundtland Report. Rather, a man's attitude to property reflected his attitude towards his neighbour and the creation as a whole. All in all, it is the fullest realization of the idea of sustainable development. Based on the recounted characteristics, it was described as a version of the Enlightenment philosophy, and new arguments were provided to confirm this thesis. Development, vol. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the global community for the next 15 years include ESD. Research undertaken at MSDI has a … Inter-disciplinarity5. Political evolution and time line3. 2009. 3, no 1, 2008; s. 27-31. Pawłowski A., Politechnika Lubelska. Filozoficzne i społeczne uwarunkowania zrównowaŜonego rozwoju. Filozoficzne, społeczne i ekonomiczne uwarunkowania zrównowaŜonego rozwoju, red. By studying Philosophy and GSD, you’ll encounter how thinkers of the past developed new modes of thought in response to the problems of their time. warunki jego spełnienia, w: Filozoficzne i społeczne uwarunkowania zrównowaŜonego rozwoju, red. Background to SD2. Man was created in God's image and likeness, and is known to be the crown of creation. Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Philosophy of education for sustainable development in mathematics education: have we got one? The material subject of the paper is the philosophy of sustainable development, which was presented on the basis of the Brundtland Report. The continent experiences an exceptionally significant problem – rapid urbanisation. The survey points to the need for improvement of the quality of the citizen participation in Poland. Przeprowadzone badania wskazują, że aspekt ekonomiczny w przypadku zrównoważonego rozwoju w sektorach wykorzystujących energię ma małe znaczenie, a na pierwszy plan wysuwa się płaszczyzna etyczna i konieczność zachowania zasobów dla przyszłych pokoleń. What theory of infinity should be taught and how? ... All these aspects merge and should be considered together [Pawłowski 2009b]. There is growing international recognition of ESD as an integral element of quality education and a key enabler for sustainable development. Evangelical theologians point out that Christians should be particularly sensitive to issues of environmental protection and preserving this world for future generations. One of the most important consequences of decolonisation is instability of political systems in post-colonial States, which evokes further results. The system of social care does not exist, whilst family traditions, which had been replacing it for several years, have been expelled by eastern-European model of city life – atomisation, focus on income, concurrence. Does the Evangelical understanding of the concept of property serve sustainable development? GSD encompasses a network of complex challenges that require innovative thought and practical answers. The notion of sustainable development has been introduced, in recent years, to help restore both complexity and balance to discussions of development. This paper looks for the answer by presenting selected findings of a survey conducted with Polish planners in 2010. Interested in research on Sustainable Development? Curriculum system of the philosophy of mathematics education for normal students Yaqiang Yan, Xue Suyue, Junfeng Ma The paper includes the issues related to sustainable development in the energy-using sector based on the European Union countries. this is due to the based assumptions of the philosophy of sustainable development as naturalistic monism, basing on genetic empiricism and philosophical anthropology and related rationality of human nature, Sustainable development jako współczesna wersja oświeceniowej filozofii w: Filozoficzne, społeczne i ekonomiczne uwarunkowania zrównowaŜonego rozwoju, red. Our philosophy is that a development or community should meet the needs of the present population without compromising the needs of the future- that is sustainable. The Reformer did not perceive property as a value on its own. This is due to both lack of appropriate economic tools and methods for the direct environmental analysis, as well as an inability to identify the various functions played by forests.The article is discussing the history of sustainable development in forestry, which opens with the law signed in 1364 by Philip VI of France, ordering that owners of the forest must take care of it. Dezyderat trwałego rozwoju i warunki jego spełnienia, w: Filozoficzne i społeczne uwarunkowania zrównowaŜonego rozwoju, red. Protestant Reformation brought about some revolutionary changes in the ways that God and human role in the world were perceived. It was found that participation of renewable energy in the total energy balance continues to increase, differs in each country and is not dependent on the macroeconomic situation. In particular, the liberalisation of the financial markets should be regarded as dangerous which, as a result of speculations, appropriate vast resources without contributing to the creation of added value. As NPQ has written about many times before, equity is essential for remaking the economy into one that works for everyone. Tel: 857-284-7073; Fax: 857-284-7358; e-mail: service@degruyter.com; Web site: http://www.degruyter.com. Pawłowski A., Politechnika Lubelska. Low carbon development is a development pattern to enable social and economic progress along the path of sustainable development. HULL Z., Filozofia zrównowaŜonego rozwoju, On the one hand it shows the logic of the history that brings the humanity to the brink of a precipice, on the other, it spins an optimistic prospective reflection on the future of man almost mystically reborn as an active element of a higher level of human development - cosmocracy. współczesna wersja oświeceniowej filozofii w: Stwierdzono silną dodatnią korelację między udziałem energii odnawialnej a lesistością, co jest spowodowane dużym wykorzystaniem biomasy w energetyce odnawialnej. Sustainable development is a synthesis of economic and ecological ideas-Socio-economical, political and ecological concepts are put together to solve environmental crises. This protest movement is mainly based on the philosophy of sustainability by promoting the “slowness” perspective and the concept of sustainable development at the local level. w: Filozoficzne i społeczne uwarunkowania That more complex concept is our focus here. The PhD in Sustainable Development includes a set of rigorous core requirements in the social and natural sciences designed to provide a deep understanding of the interaction … This Biblical principle has been elaborated on by evangelical theologians. One of paradigms of sustainable development is intra-generational justice, which requires the active role of the state to balance the power of international corporations with the interests of paid workers. Heitmann, Robinson, and Povey (2011, 114–122) state that by using key elements of sustainable development, these three concepts can be connected to the development of sustainable tourism. Nowadays, liberal capitalism represents a considerable threat to the realisation of the sustainable development idea. Piotr Błaszczyk. In the Polish spatial-planning system, planners are situated between the citizens, developers, local authorities and non-governmental organizations. Amongst them there are deep economical problems, hampering development and deepening the disproportions between Northern and Southern part of the world. Instead, vast concentrations of capital accrue in the hands of narrow groups of people. Target 4.7 of SDG 4 on education addresses ESD and related approaches such as Global Citizenship Education. All rights reserved. SZTUMSKI W., 2006, Idea zrównowaŜonego Martin Luther, known as the Father of the Reformation, adhered to the principle sola scriptura - only Scripture, and hence based all his teachings on the Word of God. W pracy dokonano analizy udziału energii odnawialnej w zużyciu całkowitym energii. Numerous scholars and researchers use the term sustainable or sustainability to refer to the area where abilities of using methods to prevent natural resources can be demonstrated. According to Luther, the true meaning of ownership was servanthood - God bestowed goods to man in order for him to share his possessions with others. W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z rozwojem zrównoważonym w sektorach wykorzystujących energię na przykładzie krajów UE. Perspectives4. EJB, Kraków 1999. Pawłowski A., Jacob Dahl Rendtorff explores the philosophical foundations of business ethics, economics and sustainability through four key themes: From CSR and business ethics to sustainable development goals (SDGs) Philosophy of management and ethical economy of sustainability Foundations of philosophy of management, ethics and sustainability Responsible management of sustainability. Sustainability philosophy Promoting economic and social development Our philosophy sets out how we integrate sustainability into our decision making ... We are committed to facilitating the development of sustainable and resilient infrastructure to catalyse growth. But sustainable development, in its turn, is subject to different, and often conflicting, interpretations. 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