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decided in a sentence

He.d decided to sleep in here last night, unable to sleep in his bedchamber with the thought of Iliana.s body in the trunk beside the bed. We had to decide fast –. Princess followed as she led Ed to the corral, but Random and Casper decided to stay near the house. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "decided" The administration has decided that the only way to cut costs is by reducing the number of employees. Met the devil himself and decided I'd had enough of this shit. The disposal of the king was now the great question to be decided. This mollified Jim a little, and after some thought the green maiden decided to give the cab-horse a room in the palace, such a big building having many rooms that were seldom in use. Carmen decided to stay with him while Felipa took Aaron and Rob up the trail. She decided to move on and have fun. We'd decided a transcription of our conversation might sometime prove valuable. "I haven't decided whose side you're on," she admitted. Once they had settled on October 12th for the wedding, and decided to use the same caterer they used for the Halloween gala, Elisabeth suggested they give it a rest until after Christmas. I got some guys in my 'hood pissed at me, so I decided to split. CK 1 1487361 I decided to go. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Yet, as Strauss and others have shown, Kant's mind betrayed a decided leaning at times to a more mechanical conception of organic forms as related by descent. 13. 66. Confessing there in her kitchen was not an option, but he needed to have this behind them, so decided he would tell her as soon as possible. So if I tried for a week or two and then decided I couldn't handle it, you'd still make me forget. In no time at all I am presented with 20 sentences, all perfectly coherent … According to Josephus, Titus decided to spare the Temple, but - whether this was so or not - on the 10th of August it was fired by a soldier after a sortie of the Jews had been repelled. A meeting at which he was present after his return to Paris decided his vocation. Reckon the cost before you decide. Together with Szilagyi, the Minister of Justice, Csaky was one of the most decided champions of obligatory civil marriage and of the rights of the Jews. But from his time onwards there has been a continuous stream of admiralty reports, and we begin to find important cases decided on the instance as well as on the prize side. CK 1 2203643 Tom will … 807317 Conkling decided to resign in protest. For example, I can decide. The British government, on hearing of his arrival at Plymouth, decided to send him to St Helena, the formation of that island being such as to admit of a certain freedom of movement for the august captive, with none of the perils for the world at large which the tsar's choice, Elba, had involved. The allied powers (France, England and Russia) decided, however, that Crete should not be included amongst the islands annexed to the newly-formed kingdom of Greece; but recognizing that some change was necessary, they obtained from the sultan Mahmud II. Pierre's way led through side streets to the Povarskoy and from there to the church of St. Nicholas on the Arbat, where he had long before decided that the deed should be done. He knew Fred would be waiting up for him, but decided to let the old man cool his heels, punishment enough for setting up the evening's activity on the sly. He indeed became so disgusted with the false position of a pretender to the crown, into which he was being forced, that he wished to go to America, but, as the comtesse de Buffon would not go with him, he decided to remain in Paris. " I shall decide for going abroad later. Did he actually tell his mother to get the cake, or had she decided on her own? That state, where Bernadotte had latterly been chosen as crown prince, decided to throw off the yoke of the Continental System and join England and Russia, gaining from the latter power the promise of Norway at the expense of Denmark. (wisely, sensibly) " Do I need to decide immediately? CK 454329 I decided to tell her that I love her. They decided to kiss again... and then again – a little longer. But these wars were fought for the most part by alien armies; the points at issue were decided beyond the Alps; the gains accrued to royal families whose names were unpronounceable by southern tongues. I decided to wear my blue shirt instead of my white shirt because it is raining outside. But I am concerned about any other systems he decided to disable. They decided against it, cautious about frightening off Byrne if he should get wind of the search and realize someone was this close to finding him. No other guests were due to arrive for a few days and with the housework up to date, thanks to the temporary help of Janet, the Deans decided to try out the fresh snow on the cross country trails on Red Mountain. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. He returned to power next year, and decided to bring Boulanger and his chief supporters before the High Court, but the general's flight effectively settled the question. While failing to correct all the defects in the original statute, the amended law was a decided step in the direction of efficient regulation. Leaving the food on the table, she decided to take a bath. He decided to move on to problem number two and find out something about the tiny bone he'd discovered. Couldn't sleep, so I decided to get up and fix breakfast. The " Solemn League and Covenant," which pledged both countries to the extirpation of prelacy, leaving further decision as to church government to be decided by the " example of the best reformed churches," after undergoing some slight alterations, passed the two Houses of Parliament and the Westminster Assembly, and thus became law for the two kingdoms. Neither a hero nor a Good Samaritan, Wynn found himself retreating to the far wall, in case the worst-case scenario happened, and one of the powerful creatures decided to act. decided to continue the war against Athens and give strong support to the Spartans, he sent in 408 the young prince into Asia Minor, as satrap of Lydia and Phrygia Major with Cappadocia, and commander of the Persian troops, "which gather into the field of Castolos" (Xen. They had decided on baked stuffed lobster and Crème Brûlée, two of his favorites. He told her about Cynthia and she talked about someone named Jack who was a med student whose family thought she was a jerk and they both decided life was too damned complicated and lots of the times it sucked, but not at times like this. This order came into force on the 30th of April, and the result was a marked decline in the shipments of live cattle and sheep from the River Plate, but a decided increase in the quantity of frozen meat sent thence to the United Kingdom. There were a half dozen messages from both Julie and Howie from California but in view of our frenzied day, decided to let them simmer until after a much relished glass or two of wine and Molly's carefully grilled hot dogs and cheese bread. … The wolf finally decided they were no threat and turned his back on them, trotting away across the vast grassland. She had no choice in these matters, which were often decided in her childhood. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. made a final decision or plan of action. Examples of how to use the word 'decide' in a sentence. The courts of appeal and cassation, too, often have more than they can do; in the year 1907 the court of cassation at Rome decided 948 appeals on points of law in civil cases, while no fewer than 460 remained to be decided. In Rome the triumvirate decided to defend the republic to the last. He must have decided she was in a better mood, because he smiled. After he died, she decided to stay here. How have they decided to react to your freedom? English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Decide" in Example Sentences Page 12. The ministers with all but absolute unanimity decided to commute their life-interest and form therewith a great fund for the support of the Church. Reports, 625) decided unanimously that nothing could absolve the state from its obligation. When she decided Yancey wasn't around, she started down the path, keeping close to the trees without breaking her promise not to wander in the woods. That was when some inconsiderate soul decided to knock on their door. She remembered the strong, thoughtful little boy whose life she decided to sacrifice for her cause. She decided to marry him. Reference Menu. I decided to talk to you this weekend, but I guess Mary found the form and took it upon herself to mail it to you. The police officer acted on a whim, not thinking before he violently slammed the suspect to the ground. good sentence like quote, proverb...) She had decided to break the news last night. of these waterways of decided commercial importance. Back at the room, she decided to hold Alex's hand while she talked to him. After wavering between various plans, he decided on the 13th of July to cast himself on the generosity of the British government, and dictated a letter to the prince regent in which he compared himself to Themistocles seating himself at the hearth of his enemy. Other essential conditions of success will commonly include the liberal application of potash and phosphatic manures, and sometimes chalking or liming for the leguminous crop. What's more, none seemed bent on murder, a decided improvement over some of Bird Song's earlier guests! Following petitions to the Kennel Club from exhibitors at the club's own show at the Crystal Palace, and also at the show of the Scottish Kennel Club in Edinburgh during the autumn of 1900, the divisions were decided upon as follows: Sporting. On the 6th of October he had reached Pernau, with the intention of first relieving Riga, but, hearing that Narva was in great straits, he decided to turn northwards against the tsar. When Trajan, owing to a severe illness, decided to return home from the East, he left Hadrian in command of the army and governor of Syria. In Germany it was the solemn national diet of Mainz (Easter 1188) which "swore the expedition" to the Holy Land; in France and England the agreement of the two kings decided upon a joint Crusade. I didn't have any classes today and I decided to take off work. Alex didn't like highly spiced food, so she decided to bake Cornish game hens for the base of the meal. It was a good thing she decided not to go. I think Shipton found the pages and decided to follow Annie's method of death. She could simply tell him she decided to eat healthier. Find more ways to say decide, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. He decided that he must attend to his son's education by finding a tutor and putting the boy in his charge, then he ought to retire from the service and go abroad, and see England, Switzerland and Italy. We decided to leave the house and reconnoiter at a local restaurant, one that served wine. Having decided to take orders he graduated, by special letters from the chancellor, at Exeter College, Oxford, and was ordained in 1722. In the strife which soon broke out between the Girondins and the Jacobins he took no decided part, but occupied himself mainly with the legal and legislative work which went on almost without intermission even during the Terror. 173. Another word for decide. 60. Or would've been, if Darkyn hadn't decided to honor the informal deal he made with her. The couple decided to get married in Las Vegas after knowing each other for just one day. Decide definition, to solve or conclude (a question, controversy, or struggle) by giving victory to one side: The judge decided the case in favor of the plaintiff. After much negotiation the leader, Mr William Lane, a Brisbane journalist, decided on Paraguay, and he tramped across the continent, preaching a new crusade, and gathering in funds and recruits in his progress. How to use decide in a sentence. The court decided, four judges dissenting, that North Carolina must pay the amount due or suffer her railway bonds to be seized and sold to satisfy the judgment (192 U.S. Reports, 286. Before Rostov had decided what to do with him, the officer cried, "I surrender!". In November 1274 it was decided by the diet at Nuremberg that all crown estates seized since the death of the emperor Frederick II. The committee, restored by the Salonica troops, now decided on Abdul-Hamid's deposition, and on the 27th of April his brother Reshid Effendi was proclaimed sultan as Mahommed V. In 1591, three years after the defeat of the Armada, Raymond and Lancaster rounded the Cape, and after cruising off Penang, decided to winter in Achin. The efforts at accommodation failed, and in 1852 General Sir George Cathcart, who had succeeded Sir Harry Smith as governor of Cape Colony, decided to take strong measures with the tribe, and proceeded with three small divisions of troops against Moshesh. After much disputing and arguing, Major-General Grekov with two Cossack regiments decided to go with the Polish sergeant. decided definition: 1. certain, obvious, or easy to notice: 2. certain, obvious, or easy to notice: 3. clear…. "So you've decided to go, Andrew?" 2. A succession difficulty in Bavaria-Landshut was only decided after Maximilian had taken up arms and narrowly escaped with his life at Regensburg. To accelerate the proceedings of the committee it was decided to meet weekly instead of monthly. If he decided to go back to Texas, they would all go together. We have to decide what to do. They had decided on putting down a new floor and putting sheet rock over the walls. On his return in 1821 he added to his work the study of psychology, and that of Roman law, which he read with John Austin, his father having half decided on the bar as the best profession open to him. : She gives the quadrotors simple instructions via computer, … He decided that even if she sounded like a cat in heat, he would gush over her with praise. - I decided not… I hope you decide to take the job. Jackson decided to take a chance she might be there. When the danger of a war with Germany came first to be apprehended, it was proposed to establish the chief British naval base, in the event of war, at Rosyth in the Firth of Forth, but it was afterwards decided that a larger base in a natural harbour farther N. In Venice the result of this menace was a decided reaction towards Byzantium. decide (v): to choose something, especially after thinking carefully about several possibilities Use 'decide' in a sentence She decided to go on vacation. Or the wife may sacrificially decide that giving her body with joy to her husband is more important than those few minutes of slumber. "It's too bad to we're closing down this dream business after you decided to delve into it" I told Howie. They have to decide by next Friday. He decided upon Paris for the present, and before leaving Salamanca he agreed with his companions that they should wait where they were until he returned; for he only meant to see whether he could find any means by which they all might give themselves to study. In any case it will be decided very shortly. But you must decide on something! Both these oaks grow well in British plantations, where their bright autumn foliage, though seldom so decided in tint as in their native woods, gives them a certain picturesque value. A few days previously Pierre had decided to go to Petersburg on the Friday. : The naval battle was decided in the Sicilians' favour, and the Byzantine commander was … I decided to follow your advice and take a vacation. Changing into her night gown, she decided to sleep on the love seat. However, the Cambridge experiments were decided upon, and although Hodgson had taken a decided stand in the matter, he was invited to assist. 100 examples: A central issue here is in deciding where 'continuity' resides. The Byrne address was on the east side of town, but as Dean had time to kill, he decided to drive west to what the locals called the beltway, a loop road around the city. Seeing the bet, he decided he wanted to stick around long enough to observe a few more events in the women's futures. Why had he suddenly decided he needed a maid - or was it sudden? The opposition outside parliament was in fact so overwhelming that the ministry decided to drop the bill. Not only had he given her the power over the world, but he'd decided he wanted to sleep with her twice. Maybe there was another reason he decided to reclaim his money. That was when Mary decided to relieve her mind of a troubling thought. Perhaps that's why many of the citizens of the picturesque town decided they might as well enjoy mother nature's offerings rather than remain locked indoors for six or seven months. I thought you decided you couldn't live with the loneliness on the ranch because I was gone so much. Showering again, she decided to go to bed early. Why would they be responsible because Byrne acted like a jerk and decided to go for a midnight swim—drunk or sober? Decide who you want to be. The crowd attracted by the music lingered, and most of them decided to take in the show. with his former followers, he decided on an immediate am tair of raid on Rome. hoeing Husbandry, published in 1731, exhibits the first decided step in advance upon the principles and practices of his predecessors. After his father's death he crossed the Alps to found a school in France; but in a short while he decided that Normandy would afford him a better field. Either Cynthia's presence relaxed her or she'd decided David Dean was not a combatant from the enemy camp. Almost the only respect in which the Left could boast a decided improvement over the administration of the Right was the energy displayed by Nicotera in combating brigandage and the mafia in Calabria and Sicily. Ten years after the passage of the law, the court decided that the Commission had no power to prescribe a rate, and that its jurisdiction over rates was confined to a determination of the question whether the rate complained of was unreasonable. 71. They decided to adopt a child after they realized they weren't able to have one of their own. 108. But, which one is the main verb? Had they succeeded, the position of the Pied- viti ntese in Romagna would have been imperilled; had they ne~ ed, the road would have been open for Garibaldi to march Rome, In the circumstances, Cavour decided that Piedmont sole, st anticipate Garibaldi, occupy Umbria and the Marches anc 1 place Italy, between the red-shirts and Rome. Leaving the picture and her purse in the car, she decided to look around and see if there was a carcass. It has been said that his battles were decided by shock action; the real emphasis should be laid upon the word "decided.". The Holy Synod decided that the peculiar tenets of Bulatovich and his followers were to be known and condemned as.` the heresy of the Name of God.". Decided definition is - unquestionable. CK 1 2111662 I've decided. There was now within him a judge who by some rule unknown to him decided what should or should not be done. A series of fresh depositions were sent in against her, and in June 1679 it was decided that she must stand her trial; but she was protected by the king, who in this instance showed unusual chivalry and earned her gratitude. So the way in which these people killed one another was not decided by Napoleon's will but occurred independently of him, in accord with the will of hundreds of thousands of people who took part in the common action. But, like all the vicissitudes, of the Italian race, while it was a decided step forward in one direction, it introduced a new source of discord. After a shower and lunch, she decided to go back down to look at the inside of the house. French Translation of “decide” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online. No one was around, so she decided to explore the path. Now in Petersburg, having considered the Rostovs' position and his own, he decided that the time had come to propose. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Decide" in Example Sentences Page 1. I left it all in flames, replied Michaud in a decided tone, but glancing at the Emperor he was frightened by what he had done. "Instead of making my last days happy, you decided to make me miserable in the hopes you could find a solution," she said. He had decided to play until that score reached forty-three thousand. In 1862 Said Majid, sultan of Zanzibar, decided to build a town on the shores of the bay, and began the erection of a palace, which was never finished, and of which but scanty ruins remain. I decided that being truthful was the best approach. Yeah. The manufacture of the cable, begun early in the following year, was finished in June, and before the end of July it was stowed partly in the American ship " Niagara " and partly in decided to begin paying out in mid-ocean, the two vessels, after splicing together the ends of the cable they had on board, sailing away from each other in opposite directions. Of our conversation might sometime prove valuable to act prematurely stay for the.... Marry him marriage to Catherine, John Fisher became her most trusted counsellor and one of days! House while Katie parked the car, she decided to come get her tonight to... After heated discussion simply tip what we learned home she decided to a... 'S a good time to talk to him about it became her most counsellor... Over 100,000 french translations of English words and phrases `` were you with Damian when he decided to tell that... 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