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arXiv:1710.09524; State sum invariants of three manifolds from spherical multi-fusion categories. An ordinary category has objects and morphisms. ランダム行列の数理 (仮題・近刊予定) 木村太郎; 日本語記事. Les Houches Winter School 2012, Arxiv Lecture series in IPhT, CEA Saclay, 2015 [arXiv:1510.04430] 書籍. ... We introduce a construction called Clifford eversion that defines an equivalence between a certain 2-category of supersymmetric monoidal supercategories and a corresponding 2-category of symmetric monoidal supercategories. 6 (2019), 707-735. arXiv, hal (with P. Achar) Nearby cycles for parity sheaves on a divisor with simple normal crossings, arXiv (with R. Bezrukavnikov and S. Riche) Modular affine Hecke category and regular unipotent centralizer, I arXiv (with K. Y. Chan and P. Sobaje) Exotic t-structure for partial resolutions of the nilpotent cone arXiv For nearly 30 years, arXiv has served the public and research communities by providing open access to scholarly articles, from the vast branches of physics to the many subdisciplines of computer science to everything in between, including math, statistics, electrical engineering, quantitative biology, and economics. It consists of scientific papers in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, electrical engineering, computer science, quantitative biology, statistics, mathematical finance and economics, which can be accessed online. (2011) (Version arXiv). stream B. Antieau, On the integral Tate conjecture for finite fields and representation theory , Algebraic Geometry 3 (2016), no. As PDF. A particularity of these is that a bicategory with one object is exactly a monoidal category, so that bicategories can be said to be "monoidal categories with many objects." )��L;��Ĺ�����?���E B. Antieau and G. Stevenson, Derived categories of representations of small categories over commutative noetherian rings, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 283 (2016), no. Weak 3-categories, also called tricategories, and higher-level generalizations are increasingly harder to define explicitly. arXiv is an open-access repository of electronic preprints approved for posting after moderation, but not peer review. The same for other enriched models like topologically enriched categories. Algebraic and Geometric Topology, 15 (4), 2015, p. 2303-2381 (pdf, arXiv). Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, vol. Finally, we develop the theory of Frobenius-Perron dimensions in an arbitrary fusion category and classify categories of prime dimension. CORE Recommender now supports article discovery on arXiv October 15, 2020; Categories. Home Archive by Category "arXiv jobs" Now Hiring: arXiv Senior Software Architect Thanks to generous funding from the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence, arXiv will hire an experienced software engineer to serve as the senior software architect for supporting the technological innovation of arXiv… Subjects: Category Theory (math.CT); Rings and Algebras (math.RA) [13] arXiv:2009.09273 (cross-list from math.OA) [ pdf , other ] Title: Standard $λ$-lattices, rigid ${\rm C}^*$ tensor categories… B. Antieau and G. Stevenson, Derived categories of representations of small categories over commutative noetherian rings, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 283 (2016), no. Comments: 23 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1704.08764. Soc. The cobordism hypothesis in dimension 1 Math. Number Th. %PDF-1.5 Title: Evaluating the phase dynamics of coupled oscillators via time-variant topological featuresAuthors: Kazuha Itabashi, Quoc Hoan Tran, Yoshihiko HasegawaComments: 10 pages, 6 figuresSubjects: Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability (physics.data-an); Algebraic Topology (math.A… 1, 21-42. Likewise, if you upvote 10 articles with the word "hyperbolic" in the title, any other article with the word "hyperbolic" will gain 10 points. Weak 2-categories, also called bicategories, were the first to be defined explicitly. 1. math.NA (Numerical Analysis) Numerical algorithms for problems in analysis and algebra, scientific computation Pure Math. (subsumes alg-geom) math.AT - Algebraic Topology ( new , recent , current month ) Homotopy theory, homological algebra, algebraic treatments of manifolds. 2, 138-149. AlphaGo est un programme informatique capable de jouer au jeu de go, développé par l'entreprise britannique Google DeepMind.. En octobre 2015, il devient le premier programme à battre un joueur professionnel (le français Fan Hui) sur un goban de taille normale (19×19) sans handicap. Journal-ref: Alg. "Homotopy theory of higher categories". arXiv:2012.03258 (math) [Submitted on 6 Dec 2020] ... Abstract: We give a simultaneous generalization of recollements of abelian categories and triangulated categories, which we call recollements of extriangulated categories. vol 11, 2007, pp 1539–1579, Arxiv; Topological conformal field theories and Calabi-Yau categories. 26, no. Duke Mathematical Journal 168 (15), 2019, p. 2873-2949. arXiv:1702.08799. 2 FERNANDO MURO Conversely, proj() is nite for any nite-dimensional basic algebra . arXiv: math.CT/0608040. Symp. Compact components in relative character varieties of punctured spheres, avec Jérémy Toulisse. Representations of Algebras and Related Topics (2011), (Version arXiv). math.MP is an alias for math-ph. Congratulations, Tom! [arXiv (soon) ] Extending the Tamari lattice to some compositions of species. Higher Structures 4(2):22-56, 2020. 2, 138-149. Recently, in 2009, the theory has been systematized further by Jacob Lurie who simply calls them infinity categories, though the latter term is also a generic term for all models of (infinity,k) categories for any k. Simplicially enriched categories, or simplicial categories, are categories enriched over simplicial sets. An n-category is defined by induction on n by: So a 1-category is just a (locally small) category. Its purpose is to introduce triangulated categories related to singularities of algebraic varieties and establish a connection of these categories with D-branes in Landau-Ginzburg models. Amer. Forgetful linear systems on the projective space and rational normal curves over M_{0,2n}^{GIT} arXiv Bull. In: Adv. On generalized cluster categories, survey at Series of Congress Reports, Eur. Higher category theory is often applied in algebraic topology (especially in homotopy theory), where one studies algebraic invariants of spaces, such as their fundamental weak ∞-groupoid. We define new invariants of 3d Calabi-Yau categories endowed with a stability structure. the category of compactly generated Hausdorff topological spaces. Wikipédia Écouter est une encyclopédie universelle et multilingue, créée par Jimmy Wales et Larry Sanger le 15 janvier 2001.Il s'agit d'une œuvre libre, c'est-à-dire que chacun est libre de la rediffuser.Gérée en wiki dans le site web wikipedia.org grâce au logiciel MediaWiki, elle permet à tous les internautes d'écrire et de modifier des articles. of Math (2012), 23 (4) 1-23. Simpson, Carlos (2010). Without this file, twXiv of rss feeds returns no new submissions, when you take the category name math.IT. Send an email to math@arxiv.org with the subject line set to subscribe *Your Name* and add *Name of Category* as the email's message. See hal and arxiv. For example, if you click thumbs-up for 10 articles in the category "math.MG", then any article in the category "math.MG" will gain 10 points towards its computed score. Available on ArXiv: arXiv:1210.2666 ; Quantum invariants of 3-manifolds via link surgery presentations and non-semi-simple categories. — Feb 20, 2020; The Golomb-Dickman Constant — Nov 23, 2019; 9 Comments & 0 Trackbacks . If provided, twXiv replaces category names by their aliases … As a moderator, I see every submission for which either the author lists cs.DM as one of its categories, or an admin/moderator proposes cs.DM as a new category. Draft of a book. On generalized cluster categories, article de synthèse à Series of Congress Reports, Eur. Quantum Topology, DOI: 10.4171/QT/128, 2019. arXiv:1610.07628. Math… Int. » (n o 62.2), AMS, 1997, p. 217-281, arXiv:alg-geom/9604005 André Joyal showed that they are a good foundation for higher category theory. However, when we look at them as a model for (infinity,1)-categories, then many categorical notions (e.g., limits) do not agree with the corresponding notions in the sense of enriched categories. How to receive new articles via email. arXiv:2011.12501 (math) [Submitted on 25 Nov 2020] Title: Supersymmetric monoidal categories. In mathematics, higher category theory is the part of category theory at a higher order, which means that some equalities are replaced by explicit arrows in order to be able to explicitly study the structure behind those equalities. arXiv:1902.01844. An example in topology is the composition of paths, where the identity and association conditions hold only up to reparameterization, and hence up to homotopy, which is the 2-isomorphism for this 2-category. [ arxiv:1507 ]. math.AG - Algebraic Geometry ( new , recent , current month ) Algebraic varieties, stacks, sheaves, schemes, moduli spaces, complex geometry, quantum cohomology. Math. (avec I. Reiten et G. Todorov) The ubiquity of generalized cluster categories, Adv. Continuing this up to n-morphisms between (n−1)-morphisms gives an n-category. Subjects: Category Theory (math.CT); Algebraic Topology (math.AT); K-Theory and Homology (math.KT) [6] arXiv:2008.11467 (cross-list from math.RT) [ pdf , ps , other ] Title: Frobenius functors and Gorenstein homological properties B. Antieau, On the integral Tate conjecture for finite fields and representation theory , Algebraic Geometry 3 (2016), no. The Grothendieck construction for model categories with Matan Prasma, Advances in Mathematics, 281, 2015, p. 1306-1363 (pdf, arXiv). 119–140 - arXiv "Stability and periodicity in the modular representation theory of symmetric groups" (2015) - arXiv In many fields of mathematics and physics, almost all scientific papers are self-archived on the arXiv … Two systems of coordinates to represent Boltzmann’s collision kernel. For nearly 30 years, ArXiv has served the public and research communities by providing open access to scholarly articles, from the vast branches of physics to the many subdisciplines of computer science to everything in between, including math, statistics, electrical engineering, quantitative biology, and economics. London Math. Preprints . Subjects: Category Theory (math.CT); K-Theory and Homology (math.KT); Representation Theory (math.RT) [2] arXiv:1609.02883 [ pdf , other ] Title: A Category Theoretical Investigation of the Type Hierarchy for Heterogeneous Sensor Integration Just as the category known as Cat, which is the category of small categories and functors is actually a 2-category with natural transformations as its 2-morphisms, the category n-Cat of (small) n-categories is actually an (n+1)-category. Category theory formalizes mathematical structure and its concepts in terms of a labeled directed graph called a category, whose nodes are called objects, and whose labelled directed edges are called arrows (or morphisms). Category theory formalizes mathematical structure and its concepts in terms of a labeled directed graph called a category, whose nodes are called objects, and whose labelled directed edges are called arrows (or morphisms). Several definitions have been given, and telling when they are equivalent, and in what sense, has become a new object of study in category theory. arXiv:1810.10068v4 [math.KT] 11 May 2020. 14, pp. The Boltzmann equation is a nonlinear partial differential equation that plays a central role in statistical mechanics. Re: Entropy and Diversity on the arXiv. arXiv allows moderators to accept or reject papers into their category and to propose new categories, in both cases either as primary category or as a cross-list. ISBN 978-0-691-14048-3. 2 FERNANDO MURO Conversely, proj() is nite for any nite-dimensional basic algebra . Cambridge University Press. About ArXiv. These are models of higher categories introduced by Hirschowitz and Simpson in 1998,[2] partly inspired by results of Graeme Segal in 1974. — Nous donnons une nouvelle définition, plus simple mais équivalente, de la catégorie abélienne des espaces de Banach-Colmez (introduite par Colmez dans [12]), et nous expliquons la relation précise de cette catégorie … Monoidal categories enriched in braided monoidal categories. Tamar Debora Ziegler (en hébreu : תמר ציגלר; née en 1971) est une mathématicienne israélienne connue pour ses travaux en théorie ergodique, combinatoire et théorie des nombres.Elle occcupe la chaire Henry and Manya Noskwith de mathématiques à l'Institut Einstein de mathématiques (en) de l'université hébraïque de Jérusalem Soc. Z. Wang and S. X. Cui. 1750104, 2017. arXiv:1702.07113; Higher categories and topological quantum field theories. arXiv:1811.01603. Journ. �#���ŷYo�CYwUS{nWtՆ�����k�#Q��Zk�Gٖ׸�/�5ٔRi��l�vuweDD�Q���׾�Z�87�;ʢ�=�:�wE�����U��TEm��C:�\{ �����}I�5-��n�Msx��Y�t��㏮�6�_y}BL(U�L�����Ly��*���X� 7�����j����t���� �%�J�ڝ.K����DrqY�)��Xh=]�q^[2��b������xq�lU�����ʡ]k�Ġ£QiT��ɥpr(�����E� ,M$"�R�>⸵i3;3+��2� c����~:�E#�ӡ�f3S����&�� ��D����s��,S*������ )ʞ�G��?�M[��JM������/���+�0T�Ox5MM ���A���*:��/�ҕ����C�>��Ӫ2����b`�Qm�*�����-Wn�� ;C�����:�8��Ԁ����\ۖ�mٕ��}���軲i=����ӗ]1�L��J������k��������ۊ /�ms�͊�K�V哃Ϊvx��7V^sI���o���>�;iJ�Hj$�C�9��)g h�9*����x�­ In: Geometry & Topology. On the right hand side, the one introduced by Carleman in 1933. arXiv: math.CT/0608040. Also available on ArXiv: arXiv:1202.3553. [ arxiv:1507 ]. %� (with S.Brivio) arXiv Internat. Generalization of general abstract nonsense (, "A Perspective on Higher Category Theory", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Higher_category_theory&oldid=949884195, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 9 April 2020, at 02:30. Alternative PDF with hyperlinks) Lurie, Jacob (2009). Equation aux dérivées partielles (336 prepublis) Here, basic ... categories A and B are Morita equivalent if there is a DG-functor A !B such that the induced functor Dc(A ) !Dc(B) is an equivalence, or a zig-zag of such Peter Scholze, né le 11 décembre 1987 à Dresde, est un mathématicien allemand, professeur à l’université rhénane Frédéric-Guillaume de Bonn.Il travaille à l'interface entre théorie des nombres et géométrie algébrique (aussi appelée géométrie arithmétique).Il est lauréat de … (with M.Bernardara) arXiv Compositio Mathematica 149, n.11,1789-1817 (2013). Coherent systems and birational geometry of SU_C(r). Soc. x��[Ks�F�������a��sh��g{�m�xzccC�"!6 � h��~�Q�����΅(ꙕ�壒��a������Oo�x��l��*[}�_ ic�ʕ��8ˡj�����Z�Y�G����wo�D��7�_�Uf����ÕJ��n?��� ���l�ǹ�GLVk��\�P��Jfѯ�S°Q�uX(��W���a`�F�ms�66����$?&����O6��L�������ł� « Proc. export.arXiv.org > math > math.CT (Help | Advanced search) Category Theory Authors and titles for math.CT in Sep 2016 [ total of 34 entries: 1-25 | 26-34] [ showing 25 entries per page: fewer | more | all] arXiv:1609.00145 [pdf, ps, other] Title: Quasi-Galois theory in symmetric-monoidal categories Authors: Bregje Pauwels. (with I. Reiten and G. Todorov) The ubiquity of generalized cluster categories, Adv. The sheer number of arXiv research papers is both beneficial and challenging. current month's math listings; specific year/month: Catch-up: Changes since: , view results abstracts Search within the math archive; Article statistics by year: 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991; More information about the math archive; Categories within Mathematics. Subjects: Category Theory (math.CT); Rings and Algebras (math.RA); Representation Theory (math.RT) [2] arXiv:2007.04485 [ pdf , ps , other ] Title: Computing … Nous avons ensuite introduit la structure de modèle sur les ensembles simpliciaux dont les objets fibrants sont les quasi-catégories. The data was not splited. About ArXiv. These n-isomorphisms must well behave between hom-sets and expressing this is the difficulty in the definition of weak n-categories. ISBN 0-521-53215-9. 107 0 obj Soc. Dataset Creation Curation Rationale . Quasi-unital ∞-categories. Math. The Hardest Math Problem — Mar 14, 2020; What’s the Most Exciting New Mathematics? For Basic Category Theory (2014), the arrangement was that I could arXiv it one year after publication (I think a post-copyediting version, though I forget now). arXiv:math/0607385v1 [math.AG] 17 Jul 2006 THÈSE résentée p p our le diplôme de do cteur de l'université oulouse T I I I aul P Sabatier en TIQUES THÉMA MA PURES r pa Mathieu Anel intitulée CHAMPS DE MODULES DES TÉGORIES CA LINÉAIRES ET ABÉLIENNES soutenue le 23 juin 2006 devant le jury comp osé de wrence La Breen Professeur, Univ. arXiv: math.CT/0305049. Higher Operads, Higher Categories. ルーティング四方山話; 木村太郎, 三角樹弘; 素粒子論研究・電子版 30 (2019) No. In fact any category with finite products can be given a monoidal structure. Instructions follow. Homotopy Theory of Higher Categories: From Segal Categories to N-Categories, Cambridge University Press, 2012 « The Hodge filtration on nonabelian cohomology », dans Algebraic Geometry Santa Cruz 1995, Part 2, coll. categories: Categories / tags in the ArXiv system; Data Splits. Cole Comfort, Antonin Delpeuch, Jules Hedges Bimonoidal categories (also known as rig categories) are categories with two monoidal structures, one of which distributes over the other. Comments: 24 pp., LaTeX, Dedicated to the blessed memory of Andrei Nikolaevich Tyurin -- adviser and friend, version 2 (some minor changes), accepted to Trudy Steklov Institute : Subjects: Algebraic … While this concept is too strict for some purposes in for example, homotopy theory, where "weak" structures arise in the form of higher categories,[1] strict cubical higher homotopy groupoids have also arisen as giving a new foundation for algebraic topology on the border between homology and homotopy theory; see the article Nonabelian algebraic topology, referenced in the book below. Nite for any nite-dimensional algebra is Morita equivalent to a basic one, which is unique up isomorphism! Of Frobenius-Perron dimensions in an arbitrary fusion category and classify categories of prime dimension ( ). Les ensembles simpliciaux dont les objets fibrants sont les quasi-catégories was informally introduced by Staton enriched.! Category theory this file, twXiv of rss feeds returns no new,. 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